November Banter and Location


Not a Member
Met Shadow today at the Napa store, it is always nice running into other Load One drivers and carrying on a conversation, as a family.Forgot to tell you, Shadow, that the Madco truckstop has 4" round LED tailights, Grand Central brand, for $9.99 a piece! And how bright they are! They'll fit in youre rear tailight holes as well, but you may need a LED turn signal flasher to make them blink correctly,at Napa, for 20 bucks.

Going to build the platform tomarrow so my bed in the van will be raised off of the floor.And, so if I get a 3 skid load, I still will have a bed to sleep on, since it will be adjustable in height to accomodate the freight height.Another way to kill time while waiting for loads to happen.


Retired Expediter
The weekend is upon us....which reminds me...

Nothing in the world is more expensive than a woman who's free for the weekend.:p

Good morning fellow Load 1ers...:)

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
mornin ken, load oners. havin coffee tryin to recover from the last two days of eating. think i need to get outside and get some exercise.


Retired Expediter
So there is this Fedex D unit here as well now...lo and behold he/they parked ONLY about 300 feet from the door...taking up a lot of parking spots...:eek:

There are now cars in front and behind...LOL and they'll curse out the 4 wheelers....There is a whole almost empty lot where I am another 1,000 feet or so...people like that is what gets us the boot...:mad:


OVM Project Manager
So there is this Fedex D unit here as well now...lo and behold he/they parked ONLY about 300 feet from the door...taking up a lot of parking spots...:eek:

There are now cars in front and behind...LOL and they'll curse out the 4 wheelers....There is a whole almost empty lot where I am another 1,000 feet or so...people like that is what gets us the boot...:mad:

That's kind of rude of them...

morning peeps! coffee time..:)


OVM Project Manager
I just made some sweet potato hash browns.. mmmmmmmmm they are good! I'll make you some when you get home!:)


OVM Project Manager
Wow...what's everyone doing? Nobody posted since this morning? Well I've been busy crocheting and just finished the first ruffle on my doll and it's looking pretty! You all shopping?:)


Veteran Expediter
What a way to have a weekend fall into place. Some time with family and friends. A nice light drizzling rain making for a perfect day to wash the van, and then a call from dispatch with a Sunday load. From a low freight area to a good freight area, so come Monday, I'll be back in the freight lanes already ahead of the game.



Retired Expediter
what a way to have a weekend fall into place. Some time with family and friends. A nice light drizzling rain making for a perfect day to wash the van, and then a call from dispatch with a sunday load. From a low freight area to a good freight area, so come monday, i'll be back in the freight lanes already ahead of the game.




Retired Expediter
Good Sunday Morning Gang...Still in Concord NH...but moving down to shipper today...for a tomorrow pick up....should be back at the "yard" by Tuesday John ample time to um...Go on a business trip.....LOL

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
morning all, hope everyone has a great day, pretty crappy here once again. cloudy, cool and raining. gonna tie up some loose ends in the garage have a late breakfast with the wife, do some laundry and settle in for a lazy sunday afternoon.


OVM Project Manager
And a frigid good morning from here..thermometer seems to be stuck at a +2 but the wind isn't blowing yet so it's all good.

Now for the daily news...they've now come up with a "CYBER Monday" to follow "BLACK Friday"..think they want all your money? *lol* And good old Walmart is have a whole CYBER week! Enjoy your coffee while you order online...:D


Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
Rainy but 57 degrees in Detroit today??????

Having a little pre-xmas brunch at our house with the family today. My step father is in town for two weeks staying with us. Since my mother passed and he will not be here on xmas we are having a mini celebration with everyone for him today.


OVM Project Manager
Rainy but 57 degrees in Detroit today??????

Having a little pre-xmas brunch at our house with the family today. My step father is in town for two weeks staying with us. Since my mother passed and he will not be here on xmas we are having a mini celebration with everyone for him today.

Wish him a Merry Christmas from the troops! Enjoy the day!:)