November Banter and Location


OVM Project Manager
Guess I pulled a rabbit out of my hat ...or wherever that horseshoe is..:p

Picked up a double out of Michigan one going to Lancaster Pa that was to deliver tomorrow morning...planned on going to check out where consignee was and go to Wally World and come back in to the guards gate and lo and behold the contractors were working and I got unloaded!
Second stop is Concord NH for a Monday delivery....But hold the phone it gets better...have a predispatch that picks up 60 miles away Monday that comes back to Michigan!! Who would thunk.:D..Now at the Petro in Scranton Pa for the night...

like I said earlier...just



Retired Expediter
Good night gang...I leave you to ponder...

When asked if my cup is half-full or half-empty my only response is that I am thankful I have a cup.

Thanksgiving is the holiday of peace, the celebration of work and the simple life...a true folk-festival that speaks the poetry of the turn of the seasons, the beauty of seedtime and harvest, the ripe product of the year - and the deep, deep connection of all these things with God.

Hope you all had a great day....:)


Veteran Expediter
Guess I pulled a rabbit out of my hat ...or wherever that horseshoe is..:p

Picked up a double out of Michigan one going to Lancaster Pa that was to deliver tomorrow morning...planned on going to check out where consignee was and go to Wally World and come back in to the guards gate and lo and behold the contractors were working and I got unloaded!
Second stop is Concord NH for a Monday delivery....But hold the phone it gets better...have a predispatch that picks up 60 miles away Monday that comes back to Michigan!! Who would thunk.:D..Now at the Petro in Scranton Pa for the night...

Sweet! That's great! :D


Retired Expediter
Not sure who was more stuffed. Me or the turkey :rolleyes:

Instead of a turkey, try having a swan. You get more stuffing.:p

Good morning peeps...

I found a quote to suit Johns building an empire...John must be part Roman...LOL

Conceal a flaw, and the world will imagine the worst
Marcus Aurelius


Veteran Expediter
At home. Unfortunately the bed here is no where near as comfortable as the van and I am on a heating pad. Went oos last night, going to head up north for family Christmas tomorrow and stop and see my dad.


OVM Project Manager
So I went over the river and through the woods to eat my Thanksgiving feast and I am thinking that turkey DOES make you sleepy as I slept in pretty good this morning. And I see my eloquent hubby is already in Ct on the Yankee Epressway.

So good morning to all...and have some coffee with me!:)


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
So I went over the river and through the woods to eat my Thanksgiving feast and I am thinking that turkey DOES make you sleepy as I slept in pretty good this morning. And I see my eloquent hubby is already in Ct on the Yankee Epressway.

So good morning to all...and have some coffee with me!:)

Still waiting to find out what the June/July comment means.....

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OVM Project Manager
Still waiting to find out what the June/July comment means.....

Sent from my MB860 using EO Forums
I should let Jeanna explain that one...*lol*

Did you by chance have your back turned when she walked in and she didn't realize it was you? There's your hint...:)


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
I should let Jeanna explain that one...*lol*

Did you by chance have your back turned when she walked in and she didn't realize it was you? There's your hint...:)

Yes and yes. Think I got it now... Carry On!!

Sent from my MB860 using EO Forums


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Time to wrap while the hubby is snoozin!:)
Yo, yo, yo, you go, go, go girl.

It's time to rap while the hubby is snoozin'
Gonna get on my freakin' on and go out a cruizin'
Toolin' down the road with my blingety, bling a blingin'
The only ones a lookin' are them big, hairy bison.

Oh, wait, you said wrap, not rap. Never mind.


OVM Project Manager
Yo, yo, yo, you go, go, go girl.

It's time to rap while the hubby is snoozin'
Gonna get on my freakin' on and go out a cruizin'
Toolin' down the road with my blingety, bling a blingin'
The only ones a lookin' are them big, hairy bison.

Oh, wait, you said wrap, not rap. Never mind.

I dunno Turtle...your rap sounds more fun than my wrap...:D