November Banter and Location


Expert Expediter
Happy Monday...... Working on my first cup o coffee here in Jackson Tn. It's raining harder than a cow peeing on a flat rock!


OVM Project Manager
Happy Monday...... Working on my first cup o coffee here in Jackson Tn. It's raining harder than a cow peeing on a flat rock!

lotsa splatter eh? *lol*

hiya are lucky to live in the freight lanes..wish Ken could just pop in at home too! that is the way to do family's usually a joint effort here when Ken is lucky enuff to be home!


Veteran Expediter
Dang...Dropped in Florence KY sat afternoon and was 4th there...figured I d be there till tues, so I Dh'd home on my dime...was 6th here at the time....woke up this morning and ran a 19....Looks lke everyone moved to Taylor from their last drops and had more dwell time then me...I am now 11th out of 13 Sprinters/CV's in the area....

Still in service and thinkin I'll be here for a while...

Oh, as for the hot tub at heated 24/7....set at 104*..and we have used it all year around...maybe as low as -10 , -12

Dynamite, we belong to a wine clubs now, get 2-4 bottles a month...and I do like a good late harvest reisling also...Have a bottle of "ICE" wine sitting here too..they let the grapes freeze then harvest them....haven't hd ths "type" yet, but have had it before, it is really sweet....
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Retired Expediter
Dang...Dropped in Florence KY sat afternoon and was 4th there...figured I d be there till tues, so I Dh'd home on my dime...was 6th here at the time....woke up this morning and ran a 19....Looks lke everyone moved to Taylor from their last drops and had more dwell time then me...I am now 11th out of 13 Sprinters/CV's in the area....

Still in service and thinkin I'll be here for a while...

Welcome To Taylor....LOL


Expert Expediter
Unloaded this Morning @2:00 in East Hartford Ct, now back @ T.A. in Milldale waiting for the next load out of here.


OVM Project Manager
Making up my to do list for the day and if anyone is interested has started their Black Friday specials already.


OVM Project Manager
Unloaded this Morning @2:00 in East Hartford Ct, now back @ T.A. in Milldale waiting for the next load out of here.
I just noticed you're from the eastern shore...having lived in Maryland for some 30 years I even know where that is...:)


Expert Expediter
Just had brunch and rolled back out to the van.....LOL hope I get something soon I don't know much more of this food my waistline can handle after this past weekend.... Lol


Veteran Expediter
Well the truck is in the shop...i heard a noise that i thought was a ft bearing/hub going home the other nght and went to slipped my mind until later today...went out and started looking things over, the rt ft shock is junk, oil covered as if it was leaking and the edge of the tire is cupped and all tore up....soooo, I'll pick it up in the morning and it will have a new tire and a new set of shocks on it.....such is life...