November Banter and Location


Veteran Expediter
Well, I headed out to the deck to use the hot tub...opened the cover and there water in it..:eek:

So back in the house to get dressed and then back out and I proceeded to tear the side coverings off of the ft and lt side off and found one of the 4 inch tubes from 1 of the 2 the main pickup to one of the 2 pumps was totally unscrewed....this tub is just under a yr old, (i checked to find out if it was still under the warranty) and i can't figure out how this happened...I have had 3-4 different tubs and never seen this...

But anyhow, tightened up the flange fitting and filled it back up...been running about 2-3 hr, the temp is up to 78...I might get to use it late tonight....along with a good bottle of wine..:D


Not a Member
Well, I headed out to the deck to use the hot tub...opened the cover and there water in it..:eek:

So back in the house to get dressed and then back out and I proceeded to tear the side coverings off of the ft and lt side off and found one of the 4 inch tubes from 1 of the 2 the main pickup to one of the 2 pumps was totally unscrewed....this tub is just under a yr old, (i checked to find out if it was still under the warranty) and i can't figure out how this happened...I have had 3-4 different tubs and never seen this...

But anyhow, tightened up the flange fitting and filled it back up...been running about 2-3 hr, the temp is up to 78...I might get to use it late tonight....along with a good bottle of wine..:D

Do you think that the neighbors could of done that, unscrewing the fitting, to prevent you from hot tubbing naked, perhaps???:eek:


Veteran Expediter
LOL, I quit "skinny dippin" yrs ago..."nothin to look at here folks, move along!!"....:eek::D

no if someone had done it, they'd have had to take 12 screws out to get to the fitting...I think it was just tight enough to stay in place this long and the vibration finally loosened it enough to let the tub leak...

BUT, its all fixed anf the temp is 104*...well its around 100 now, We just got out of it!! :D Oh and enjoyed a nice bottle of Pinot...also :)


Seasoned Expediter
sitting here in Walton, Ky. Was to deliver this am. but was able to drop on Sat. pm. Waiting for a call...................................


Retired Expediter
Good Morning Gang...Rise and shine the days a wastin...:D

Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious...;)


OVM Project Manager
As Dad used to say..rise and's daylight in the swamp..

And that was way before I drank coffee! :D

Good morning dearheart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OVM Project Manager
It's been pretty quiet lately..maybe everyone is just hoping for that last trip this week that will take them home for Thanksgiving. Or they're frozen to their mattresses and can't get out of bed...*LOL*


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Looks like everyone has slept in....:p

I'M AWAKE!! Sorry, working on my first cup of Timbo's. Waved at the company jet as it passed by, and in my way to DRS to see where the oil the engine is dropping is residual from the turbo repair or something else.

By the way, IT'S MONDAY. :eek:

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Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
mornin all, cold and rainy here at home. gotta get around though, son is coming over to help go get a new fridge for the garage. well a used one, not new. isnt it funny how those things break at the holiday. then gotta take the truck to the shop for some pre winter maint. after i unload it. there is a job that i hate the most about what we do for a living. the load and unload of the personal stuff.

then im gonna be like dennis and kick it back with a bottle of late harvest zin. dennis you should try some wine from the chateau thomas winery. they ship and even have a wine club. they are the winery located on I-70 just west of indy at the plainfield exit. you would probablt like their wine. they are on the net.

have a great day all !!!!
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OVM Project Manager
I'M AWAKE!! Sorry, working on my first cup of Timbo's. Waved at the company jet as it passed by, and in my way to DRS to see where the oil the engine is dropping is residual from the turbo repair or something else.

By the way, IT'S MONDAY. :eek:

Sent from my MB860 using EO Forums

Mornin Steve..Is DRS giving a discount to us?:)


OVM Project Manager
mornin all, cold and rainy here at home. gotta get around though, son is coming over to help go get a new fridge for the garage. well a used one, not new. isnt it funny how those things break at the holiday. then gotta take the truck to the shop for some pre winter maint. after i unload it. there is a job that i hate the most about what we do for a living. the load and unload of the personal stuff.

then im gonna be like dennis and kick it back with a bottle of late harvest zin. dennis you should try some wine from the chateau thomas winery. they ship and even have a wine club. they are the winwry located on I-70 just west of indy at the plainfield exit. you would probablt like their wine. they are on the net.

have a great day all !!!!
Top of the mornin! And that's just what every woman extra frig at Thanksgiving time!:D

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
really, tina could care less. its more for me. i do most of the cookin. not that she cant, but i really enjoy it. i have a huge family and need it for the extra food i cook for my family dinners. also for when we have our kids and friends for our holiday dinners. the big dinners are nice and we enjoy them and our family dinners are important. the only family tina has around are the kids. her parents are both gone and her two brothers live far enough away she doesnt see them much. so we enjoy entertaining an having people around on the holidays.