November Banter and Location


OVM Project Manager
Laying in bed playing on the interwebs. it was hot last night here.

Just made some blueberry waffles and had some Agave Nectar on them..pretty tasty substitute for syrup.. I was going to go out for a walk but with the wind chill it's about 11 degrees and a mite chilly. Guess I'll be doing my walking inside today! Maybe I'll get some Christmas lights up out on the deck today while it's still warm enough.:)


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Moved over to the TA at Mt. Vernon. Just now having my first cup with breakfast. Chopped steak and eggs. Had to do something after reading Chef's menu. :D

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Retired Expediter
If it in any way a picture....a Bolt, Try Hours, Panther van and 2 E-1 sprinters have all been here since at least Friday/Saturday...


Veteran Expediter
ok finish my $2.00 burritta & my $1.50 taco down here in sunny laredo tx the lovely seiritas made a really nice egg & chicken burritta and steak & egg taco well i hope it was steak ?? but ready to pack up my donkey point it head up north & tell it pedro north baby north . got to find some of this white stuff that falls out of the sky .
guess had enough sun for this year time to find frosty the snowman .
but that is my day till dispatch rings me which i feel they will I HOPE



OVM Project Manager
Now I'm officially bored...just stepped outside to see where to put up the lights and it's too dang cold! Maybe next year....

oh what to do...what to do...can't seem to get myself jump started this morning...:confused:


Veteran Expediter
BEING a nice guy i will hang up your lights after putting on my long johns and three sweat shirts and my beanie and my five pairs of woollen socks and my gortex gloves ok anything to get away from all this taco & seiritas uuuuummm got to love it


Veteran Expediter
BEING a nice guy i will hang up your lights after putting on my long johns and three sweat shirts and my beanie and my five pairs of woollen socks and my gortex gloves ok anything to get away from all this taco & seiritas uuuuummm got to love it
there is one thing but your cats and me must not be in the same area cats does not like me everytime i get near a cat there back goes up the fur raises and this deep growling noise come from deep inside them


Veteran Expediter
Wow lunch time specials 4 chicken or steak taco for $6.00 what wrong with this think about it uuuuummmm
$2.00 for 1 but lunchtime special $6.00 for 4 taco ?


Veteran Expediter
oh yes seritas, tequila lol , taco, desert , seritas , just like the outback looking out into western praire thinking maybe just maybe i can see a boomer jumping around out there but nope just border patrol hiding in the bushes & seritas & yummy taco burritas & sun sun sun feels like i want to put on my speedo and sun bake aussie style lol


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
oh yes seritas, tequila lol , taco, desert , seritas , just like the outback looking out into western praire thinking maybe just maybe i can see a boomer jumping around out there but nope just border patrol hiding in the bushes & seritas & yummy taco burritas & sun sun sun feels like i want to put on my speedo and sun bake aussie style lol

Ugh. Breakfast just rolled over. :)

Sent from my MB860 using EO Forums


Veteran Expediter
Ugh. Breakfast just rolled over. :)

Sent from my MB860 using EO Forums

ok enjoy your chopped steak & eggs twice anyone tell me the dvd man is he not down here in laredo no more ?? been calling him on the old trustworthy CB but no answer ??
but enjoy your steak wolfeman uuuum nice taco,s i will enjoy but not for much longer i hope !!

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
Hey, no whining allowed till at least Wednesday, you had a PRIME ******** load going down there.
Get the pun. LOL


Veteran Expediter
alway prime up ready for anything that should pop up maybe it was the great taco or me polishing the truck in my speedo,s lol ... joking ok or am i ??? is that dvd man still here in laredo ?? i need more dvd sick of my 50 dvd and my 25 mexican speaking channels WHAT CHANNEL ON THE CB does dvdman get on ?????
by the way is decals on truck now