Wow...and that means the teachers union would go away. OMG
If a conservative doesn't believe in (insert whatever it is, in this case prayer) he just doesn't participate. If a liberal doesn't believe in (insert whatever it is, in this case prayer) he makes a big to do about it and yells for laws to ban it.
How did the Buddhists get in to our school prayer thingie....lmaorof
Burma jails 25 Buddhists for mob killings of 36 Muslims in Meikhtila
No I did not.
I say the BEST, and most equatable way to end this problem is to do away, 100% away, with public schools. How children are raised, and taught, is solely the responsibility, and the right, of the parents who choose to have them. THEN, government would NOT be forcing THEIR ideas on kids, and other people could not use the rule of law to force parents to educate their kids in ways, and in subject matter, that they are opposed to. Then, there is no argument.
I have a solution to the ongoing prayer debate. We should not only allow, but insist on prayer in schools. Zen Buddhist prayer.
They seem like a pretty peaceful bunch - they keep the body count pretty low, don't they?
I can't imagine why a Christian parent would object to their kid being exposed to the teachings of the Buddha day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day. It's not like it would permeate his thinking or anything.
I must have missed that one. Where is it a right to no religion?
If prayer is allowed in school, it cannot be limited to one 'flavor', but must be allowed by all. Everyone ok with Muslim prayers before the games?![]()
ASJ, you certainly have the right to no religion if that is your desire. You do NOT have the right to force everybody else, by law, to have no religion. Rights are for everybody--- not just you.
If you read the First Amendment carefully, you will not find "freedom from religion" listed anywhere there. It's not in the Federalist Papers either. Actually, the First Amendment states that the government shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or-- and this is where you're having a problem-- prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Now, of course that gives you freedom to be a total and complete Atheist. It does NOT give you the right to force Atheism on anybody else, any more than I can force, BY LAW, everybody else to become members of the Assemblies of God (my church of choice) or that a Roman Catholic can force everybody-- BY LAW-- to become Catholic and so on.
Now, I will admit that some of my Christian brethren have had trouble with the concept, not realizing that the First Amendment doesn't say that only Christians have rights-- it says no such thing. So, Muslims can freely express their religion, Jews can express theirs, Hindus can express theirs and so on. You, ASJ, are free to express Atheism until the cows come home. Have at it if that's what turns you on. What NONE OF US CAN DO is force our religious beliefs or lack thereof on everybody else BY LAW. I can't force you to join my prayer circle. You can't stop me from having a prayer circle. Got it?
Question: Are the public schools really public, or are they just for atheists? Think about that before you try forcing your atheism on my kids.
Atheists are very good about pushing their ways on people. They jail those who wish to believe, murder them by the millions, round them up into camps. It was done by atheists all last century, and it is still being done today. They are not concerned WHICH religion they try to crush in the mean time, just as long as they are crushing one.
Really. Really...this whole argument is over religion having there say in a public forum people who may not open to it...just following the law our forefathers set forth..
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Did you ever actually READ the First Amendment? You know of course that laws that aren't Constitutional only last until they're challenged, and your desired laws that force religion out of the public arena are unconstitutional. You require us to check our beliefs at the door so that your virgin ears may never hear about any gods at all-- and the First Amendment doesn't allow you to make Atheism the State Religion, so I reckon there's a problem.