March 2017 this and that.


Veteran Expediter
I've been quiet on here. I mentioned if you aren't happy to expand your horizons. 40% increase from an average 70c a mile this year...


Veteran Expediter
Wife just sent me text saying to stay parked for awhile due to winds up to 65mph. I'm without a weather app at this time. Its strong down here in Indy, Is it bad out there where you are?
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Veteran Expediter
Wife just sent me text saying to stay parked for awhile due to winds up to 65mph. I'm without a weather app at this time. Its strong down here in Indy, Is it bad out there where you are?

We have 40-60 mph gusts right now here at the compound

Lost in Space.
Well as long as its gust I ain't staying parked if they call..I just may pass on stealing some van freight today, I'll have to wait and see if the call comes in.


OVM Project Manager
One of the 3 reasons I expedite.
Sent by a fourth reason.
What a little sweetheart! Love me some babies!!
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OVM Project Manager
Watching the mama giraffe.. that baby is kicking hard.. almost brought mama to her knees with the first kick I saw!


Veteran Expediter
Quick go to O'Reilly Auto Parts, and type in 121G into the search, we all need this!

Sent from the deep end.