OVM Project Manager
hmmm..I live in the small town of Harlan, approx pop 600
We have two cabinet factories, two auto repair shops, gas station/mini mart, a donut shop, post office, bank, hair dresser,antique shop,and a restaurant as well as a few construction plumbing companies.
We used to have a used car lot and a tire place and a library, but they left
let's see..Main street has an electronics store, a credit union, the post office, grocery store, Bakery combined with a used clothes outlet, farmers union, 3 insurance companies, the Bison Implement, the courthouse, seniors citizens and VFW combined, motel, bank, clinic, 2 feed stores, town hall and two restaurants along with about 7 churches and the town bar. Oh...and the grain elevator, Dean's mechanic shop, Phils paint shop and 2 gas stops. AND no less than 3 hair stylists, an old folks home, and the Bison Courier (newspaper). Then we've got the FHA office, a new building for trees and the local grade and HS combined. And the Electric Co and Phone Co and 2 trailer parks. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but not too bad for a town of 360+ people eh?
Oops...not to mention the state highway dept is located here...along with the country highway dept and the city maintenance shop...and of course our $3 million airport...
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