March 2010 Location


Veteran Expediter
Loading up here in SLC , down to a drop in the yard ,
man i wish they let me some of what it is they loading here...
so... Sun. is laundry day ... AnyOne stuck at The Ontario TA's for the weekend ?


Veteran Expediter
Loading up here in SLC , down to a drop in the yard ,
man i wish they let me some of what it is they loading here...
so... Sun. is laundry day ... AnyOne stuck at The Ontario TA's for the weekend ?

Have a good weekend moose.

Take care.


Veteran Expediter
At the house, in service, waiting for the phone to ring. Mrs. Layoutshooter is still a bit "under the weather" so a pre-dispatch for Monday would be perfect. That would give her 3 more days to rest up.
Glad to hear she's on the mend.

Of course by then I will most likely be down with what ever it is.
..... don't even think it ..... :D

Seems like the bad colds have been more prevalent this year.
Seems like I get one of these sinus infections every couple, three years .... invariably, it always goes down into my chest.

The sinus infection itself is bad enough, but the chest thing really blows cakes .... :rolleyes:

They can make it hard to work.
Yeah, you ain't kiddin .....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Thanks for you concern, she is slowly on the mend. We did get our Monday pre-dispatch. A short run but we took it to insure the extra days at the house. I do have it now as well. I get better faster than she does. Oh well, such is life, eh? Hope you get over your bug soon as well.


Not a Member
Thanks for you concern, she is slowly on the mend. We did get our Monday pre-dispatch. A short run but we took it to insure the extra days at the house. I do have it now as well. I get better faster than she does. Oh well, such is life, eh? Hope you get over your bug soon as well.

I swear by Chicken noodle ringo soup, plenty of vitamin c tablets, and cold medicine all at once, with a few shots of whiskey.Works good. I hope you two get better,but at least it ensures you with quality time together.Make a fire, watch a romantic movie, and make the best of it, right?


Expert Expediter
I was there last night... about 8 vans there, then 6 when I left at 10am to-day

Man, when I woke up there were a bunch of vans in the parking lot. One of them was a new E1 sprinter, I thought it was Dan, but no solar panels, so it wasn't him.

So OVM, I missed you by a few hours.


Not a Member
I'll most likely be at the house until the funeral early next week.Funny how things work out, I had an extremely good week early this week, and the last load was supposed to empty out in Tulsa, but got bumped until the next day, so they found me one delivering to Toledo yesterday, which enabled me to get home,which I didnt know about until yesterday afternoon around 4, when my girlfreind called.Strange how things work out in the end.


Veteran Expediter
Here in Dallas Center. No more Favors. I need Steak and Mashed potatoes and Gravy!!! NO more Left Overs!!!!!!.
PS I hate White Castle hamburgers & Tacos and Burritos at Taco Bell. Just ask Frank what Happens. HA HA wanst enough paper towels. ROTFLMAO.

They call 'em sliders for a reason:eek:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I swear by Chicken noodle ringo soup, plenty of vitamin c tablets, and cold medicine all at once, with a few shots of whiskey.Works good. I hope you two get better,but at least it ensures you with quality time together.Make a fire, watch a romantic movie, and make the best of it, right?

Funny you mention chicken soup. I made 5 gallons over the Christmas holidays. I am taking some out this evening. I kinda like hot ginger brandy when I feel like this. Thanks for your concern. I am sure we will live through this.


Retired Expediter
a dry run yesterday made some money with little effort..:p

at the Pontoon Beach J for the weekend looks like...:)