Kamala Harris


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So there we have it. Trump's debate face plant had nothing to do with his incoherent ramblings, addled mind on full display, and rage outbursts in the face of a calm and totally in control Harris, Trump's face plant is due to an unverified suggestion (conspiracy theory) that Harris was wearing audio earrings.

You see, Trump is a great man. And he would have been great on debate night, except for the earrings someone else wore.
Trump did fine. Three against one with moderators incorrectly “fact checking” him while allowing Harris to lie about the “fine people on both sides” hoax.He was almost assassinated two months ago and was politically prosecuted by his opponent. He’s allowed to be a mad and defiant. People see through all b.s., he’s going through, especially independents that are breaking toward him. People are hurting with inflation and the economy. They remember how great it was under Trump and want it back. His support is solid and won’t wither away.


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He’s allowed to be a mad and defiant.
100% true, no matter how much it hurts him with the voters, and no matter how much his madness is disconnected from reality.

BTW, Trump did not do fine. Debate night was a disaster for him. He collapsed into a hot mess as the better skilled Harris played him like a fiddle.

Even if the fact checking was unfair, Trump did not see that coming? Even if it was 3-1, Trump did not prepare for that in a debate he freely entered? With as much experience he has dealing with the media, he got thrown off his game by journalists he looks down on and an opponent he called "dumb as a rock?"

Great men do not crumble in such situations, they prevail. Trump crumbled. He was reduced to a screaming, squinting, hunched-over old man, untethered from reality, yelling, for the whole world to see, "They're eating the dogs!"

If you saw an old man raging like that at a family event, you'd call elder services.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If you saw an old man raging like that at a family event, you'd call elder services.
I've said it before, but it bares repeating...
Having policy differences is one thing, I can understand that. What I don't understand, is how what I have always thought of as intelligent people, have some became so enamored with this charliton that they can't see the idiocy he spews.
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Swift Moves Over 300,000 Toward Voter Registration

It is often suggested, perhaps legitimately, that celebrity endorsements of presidential candidates have limited value or effect. Regarding Taylor Swift's endorsement of Harris, the hard evidence suggests otherwise.

Swift endorsed Harris the evening of the Trump/Harris debate. Additionally, Swift posted on her Instagram account, a link to a government-run website that provides information about how to register to vote. Swift encouraged her many fans to register and to vote early. Her message was effective:

"Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris in a Tuesday night Instagram post drove at least 337,826 visitors to Vote.gov, a government website that directs users to state-specific voting information, a spokesperson for the U.S. General Services Administration told CNBC." (Source)

Meanwhile, Trump continues to spew his same tired crap on Truth social, prompting few if any voters to register and vote early.

The Swifties are now mobilized for Harris. With their online activism, they're going to bring in hundreds of thousands, if not millions of votes for Harris.
The number is now up to 406,000.
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What I don't understand, is how what I have always thought of as intelligent people, have some became so enamored with this charliton that they can't see the idiocy he spews.
My best guess is Trump is a master con man and he has conned millions into believing in him. Once he did that, blindness ensued, even as his mental acuity deteriorates. His believers keep on believing, because they don't see what is there to be seen.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
100% true, no matter how much it hurts him with the voters, and no matter how much his madness is disconnected from reality.

BTW, Trump did not do fine. Debate night was a disaster for him. He collapsed into a hot mess as the better skilled Harris played him like a fiddle.

Even if the fact checking was unfair, Trump did not see that coming? Even if it was 3-1, Trump did not prepare for that in a debate he freely entered? With as much experience he has dealing with the media, he got thrown off his game by journalists he looks down on and an opponent he called "dumb as a rock?"

Great men do not crumble in such situations, they prevail. Trump crumbled. He was reduced to a screaming, squinting, hunched-over old man, untethered from reality, yelling, for the whole world to see, "They're eating the dogs!"

If you saw an old man raging like that at a family event, you'd call elder services.
It’s not hurting him with the voters. The debate has been a net positive for him. Lost zero support and instead had a slight uptick with undecideds.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
My best guess is Trump is a master con man and he has conned millions into believing in him. Once he did that, blindness ensued, even as his mental acuity deteriorates. His believers keep on believing, because they don't see what is there to be seen.
Is this attempt at gaslighting the result of too much MSNBC brainwashing?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Trump did fine. Three against one with moderators incorrectly “fact checking” him while allowing Harris to lie about the “fine people on both sides” hoax.
Considering the circumstances, the debate turned out about like many expected it would. However, the moderators were much more biased than anyone expected and imposed undue influence on the initial reactions. Their "fact checking" was nothing but gross interference with Trump, not once correcting Harris's false assertions against him - which were plentiful.

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Crowd Size

The day after the debate (today), Harris held two rallies in North Carolina, filling two arenas to capacity, drawing a total of 25,000 people. How many rallies did Trump do today and what was his day-after-debate crowd size?
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Retired Expediter
Considering the circumstances, the debate turned out about like many expected it would.
If the debate turned out like many expected it would, what kind of idiot does Trump have to be to show up and suffer the beatdown he did? And what prompted him to go into a lunatic rage with raised voice about people eating dogs and cats? No one expected that. He did that all by himself.
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In the 24 hours following the debate, Harris picked up endorsements from magastar Taylor Swift, and former US Attorney General, Republican Alberto Gonzales. Gonzales adds his name to the list of hundreds of notable Republicans who are voting for Harris.

How many endorsements from people of note did Trump gain in the 24 hours following the debate?
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In the 24 hours following the debate, the Harris campaign said donors contributed $47 million to her campaign.

In the 24 hours following the debate, how much money did Trump donors contribute?


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Quote of the Week

"If you pick up your son from school tomorrow and find he’s been operated on to change his gender during 4th period, only to return home with your new daughter to find your cat being grilled by Hannibal Lecter in your back yard, don’t say Trump didn’t warn you." Ron Philipowski
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Where? When? How many?
Why are you so concerned with Trump’s rally audience and size? Do you realize that due to security deficiencies for him that there is likely a limit to size and type of venues he can have? I would be less concerned with crowd sizes and come to terms that Trump’s support is solid and isn’t going away. All indications point to that.

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