Kamala Harris


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
People in the news media are commenting on what anti anxiety medication Kamala is taking and how much alcohol she is consuming daily.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Apparently the majority of Democrats and Independant voters don't really know anything about Kamala Harris or her positions on the issues. Regardless, they're ecstatic about the prospect of her running the country. It's no wonder the party machine and the mainstream media want to keep her on script and under cover.


"This poll was conducted for the Media Research Center by McLaughlin & Associates between August 2 and August 5. The survey consisted of 1,200 people — 800 registered Democrats plus 400 Independents who reported voting for Joe Biden in 2020."

It's kind of funny to me that the "general public" doesn't know about V.P. Harris policy positions, but retired truck drivers do.
The above prior post paints a different picture. However it's also kind of funny that people don't pay much attention to vice presidents in general, probably because they don't do anything significant. Harris is no exception for the period she's been VP to Biden.

However, she did make a brief run for president in the 2020 Democrat primary and made a lot of position statements then which - along with her Senate voting record - firmly established her as a radical who's farther left on the political spectrum than Bernie Sanders, an avowed Socialist. Now she's trying to flip on many of her previous positions while claiming her "core values" remain the same, hoping no one will notice. There's too much video on the internet from her past to let her get away with those lies.


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Harris's Sit-Down Interview

Yesterday, Harris completed her first sit-down interview since she became the Democratic nominee for president.
  • The earth did not shake.
  • The Harris/Walz campaign did not collapse.
  • Trump did not like Harris's answers.
  • Fewer and fewer people care what Trump thinks.
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Harris Hits a Ratings Home Run

"CNN‘s exclusive interview with U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the Democratic candidates for 2024 election, snared nearly six million viewers on Thursday night, according to early data from Nielsen, marking one of the Warner Bros. Discovery cable outlet’s best showings in the 9 p.m. hour in recent history" (Source)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Harris Hits a Ratings Home Run

"CNN‘s exclusive interview with U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the Democratic candidates for 2024 election, snared nearly six million viewers on Thursday night, according to early data from Nielsen, marking one of the Warner Bros. Discovery cable outlet’s best showings in the 9 p.m. hour in recent history" (Source)
I concur >>>


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hopefully there were a lot of new viewers for Harris instead of just the Democrat fan club. There probably won't be many "interviews" that aren't tightly scripted.
She’s already giving indications about backing out of the upcoming debate.IMG_0925.jpeg
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What is the Harris campaign doing trying to keep this contrived “controversy” about Trump being at the Arlington cemetery with gold star families? Instead of letting the “news” story subside, they continued to bring it up to somehow try to damage Trump politically, Then Kamala posts additional comments on X today about it and WOWZA, that was a colossal political mistake. Because NOW multiple gold star families have responded to her and defended Trump. Trump is now posting all their messages on his X page where millions can see it. This doubling and tripling down on, in essence, a very minor story has possibly put her campaign on tilt.
Again, a massive and epic blunder.
(Kamala’s X post below and the responses from GS families from Trump’s X timeline (EIGHT)

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The Labor Day Milestone

Traditionally, the "election season" begins on Labor Day. That's because all Americans who will be voting in the election are now dialing in, not just the people who follow politics daily year-round.

The polls, get increasingly meaningful as Election Day approaches. Per Politico, "In modern presidential elections, where the race stands on Labor Day is usually pretty close to where it ends up once the votes are counted."

If that holds true, this close race will be a turnout election. With voters evenly split between the two major candidates, the candidate who does the best job of getting their supporters to the polls to actually vote will win.

In that regard, it's advantage Harris. She has the superior ground game. She is registering new voters at record rates, and newly registered voters turn out more than any other group.

We should also be mindful of the October Surprise. That's an unanticipated event that sways the electorate. Because they are a surprise, there is no telling now what might happen, but October surprises are a thing in many elections.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The Kamala sugar high is over. And no convention bounce. Other good news too:


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Retired Expediter
The Kamala sugar high is over. And no convention bounce. Other good news too:
Trump received no convention bounce either. Current polls give Harris a slight edge to win. As I said above, voter turnout and voter registration will make the difference.

Because they are so close, the polls will not tell us today who will win two months from now. But we can look at other indicators like voter registration, number of active volunteers, money raised, number of campaign events completed; and coming soon .... debate performance.


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Harris Outworking Trump on Labor Day

Today, Labor Day, Harris is scheduled to do two public campaign events. Her running mate Walz is doing one. All of them have labor themes. All of them are designed to connect Harris/Walz with the American worker. Judging from their event enthusiasm, it's working. Today's labor theme is appropriate. After all, it is Labor Day when the American worker is celebrated.

What did Trump and Vance do today? Nothing in public. If he is not resting, I presume Trump is playing golf somewhere. I said earlier old man Trump does not have the stamina to keep up with younger and cognitively functional Harris. Today is a case in point.

In Trump's absence, Harris and Walz are free to dominate the airwaves and remind the American people of Trump's anti-labor actions and attitude.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
One day on the campaign trail for Kamala and it some big deal.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Campaign volunteers from Florida helping out in Georgia instead. Florida is likely to vote for Trump so why not allocate some of the resources to a battleground ground state like Georgia?And that’s what they are doing: Being smart with resources.
  • Haha
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Voter Enthusiasm

In a USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll of registered voters in late June, Trump supporters were twice as likely as Biden supporters to report being "very excited" about voting for their candidate, 59%-30%. Now enthusiasm among Trump supporters has stayed about the same, at 60%, in the new poll of likely voters. But enthusiasm among Harris supporters has eclipsed that level, at 68%, more than double Biden's standing.

Harris has more enthusiastic voters than Trump. Enthusiastic voters have a higher turnout rate than unenthusiastic voters. Advantage Harris.

Enthusiastic voters volunteer at rates higher than unenthusiastic voters. Advantage Harris.

Enthusiastic voters donate more money than unenthusiastic voters. Advantage Harris.

When polls of likely voters or registered voters are taken, they are not pre-screened for enthusiasm. The polls may be close but the on-the-ground behavior of Harris supporters is decidedly different. Enthusiasm translates into action before the election and on Election Day.


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Retired Expediter
$11 Million Spent for Harris in Swing States

This is $11 million not included in the Harris campaign fundraising and spending numbers. Republicans are doing this separately to aid Harris and defeat Trump. Are there any Democrats spending money to defeat Harris in swing states? If so, who are they and how much are they spending?

This is a powerful ad. It will not move huge numbers of Trump voters from Trump but it will move some; those who are soft on Trump, have questions, have doubts, hate Trump's disrespect of veterans, think Jan 6 was a red line crossed, are bored with Trump's old shtick, hate's Trump's abortion actions, can't vote for a felon, are tired of the continual lies, dysfunction, and chaos Trump manifests, etc.

In this ad, these soft-on-Trump voters will see people like them declaring their anti-Trump sentiment and pro-Harris vote. In a race this close, peeling small numbers away from Trump will help Harris win.

In addition to the TV ad spend, former Trump voters are being encouraged to privately share the link with their like-minded friends and family. This ad gives soft-on-Trump Republicans permission to vote for Harris. And it is easily distributed, friend-to-friend, Republican-to-Republican. By that method, this powerful ad may be seen by more Republicans than by paid TV ads.

Thank you, Republican Voters Against Trump. I appreciate your efforts.

Actual Video

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Harris Isn't Doing This. Republicans Are

Billboards like these are highly visible and highly effective. They will be viewed multiple times by hundreds of thousands if not millions of Republicans in swing states between now and Election Day.

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