Kamala Harris


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The Momentum Continues

$40 million raised since Haris's convention speech.

1/3 of the money from first-time donors.

$540 million raised since Harris became the Democratic candidate.

"Volunteers supporting Harris' election bid have signed up for 'nearly 200,000 shifts since Monday,' which O'Malley Dillon said marked their 'biggest week of organizing since the start of the campaign.'"

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Retired Expediter
Trump and the RNC need to force her to defend her radical left-wing record and the positions she's taken on major issues that are drastically out of step with Middle America.
You are in good company. A number of credible Republican strategists and high-ranking political figures have made and continue to make this important point. Yet Trump continues to focus on personal insults. He continues to fixate on the perceived injustices of the 2020 election. He continues to embrace conspiracy theories that simply don't matter to Americans any more, beyond Trump's weakening MAGA core.

Can Trump change to do what you suggest? I think not. He cannot because he is mentally addled and getting worse. He does not have the stamina to keep up with Harris on the campaign trail, so his babbling persists. He is mentally incapable of nuanced thought. He is mentally incapable of operating beyond his current all-or-nothing thought process. Trump has always been fixated on himself. It's worse now as he runs tired and continues to decline.

Trump's Republican advisors are making valid strategic recommendations. Trump himself acknowledges them from the rally podium. He even restates the advice he is receiving. He then rejects the advice and pivots to his preferred, tired, old lines.

Donald Trump has become America's crazy old uncle. The best advice in the world won't save him because he cannot be bothered to listen to it.
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Veteran Expediter
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The DNC theater production is over but the Kamala makeover continues. How much longer can she get by with reading script from a teleprompter and parroting stump speeches written by someone else? Trump and the RNC need to force her to defend her radical left-wing record and the positions she's taken on major issues that are drastically out of step with Middle America. They can't depend on the mainstream media to ask her challenging questions since they're thrilled with this "Not Biden" candidate whose favorability rating was recently in the mid-30s.

* She has no plan to reduce inflation other than to impose price controls and raise taxes.

* As Border Czar her policies on the border and immigration have been an unmitigated disaster: the border has been wide open and illegals should no longer be considered illegal. They should be entitled to the "human rights" of free education, housing and healthcare.

* She had the most liberal voting record in the Senate in 2019 according to GovTrack. She co-sponsored the Green New Deal.

* She would ban fracking. That should go over well in PA, especially after passing over Gov Shapiro for VP.

* She has endorsed Medicare for all (including illegals), eliminating private healthcare insurers.

Most Americans know nothing about Harris, other than the scripted character they've seen on TV and social media the past month. We'll see what the polls look like after she's had to speak on her own - if her handlers let her.
It’s their strategy, like Biden four years ago but even more. Just keep her away from talking without a script and let the friendly “news” media talk and write glowing pieces on her. The Time magazine cover made her look like Mother Theresa. Just keep flooding the ads about how “great” she is.
Although some in the media are sounding the alarm that she needs to actually talk without a teleprompter. The Trump aligned ads against Kamala sound like they are working and may make her start talking to the press.
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Veteran Expediter
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At the DNC convention, Trumps name was mentioned well over a hundred times.
Likely most if not all were person attacks.
At the RNC convention, Biden’s name was mentioned a few times.

Trump and Vance, since their convention have repeatedly talked about policy and issues that people care about. They’ve conducted multiples of interviews discussing those topics.
In contrast Kamala remains silent on answering questions and conducting interviews discussing those issues.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
At the DNC convention, Trumps name was mentioned well over a hundred times.
"There were 147 mentions of Donald Trump during the first day of the DNC and only eight mentions of the southern border and three on inflation. The economy came up 27 times."

Trump and Vance, since their convention have repeatedly talked about policy and issues that people care about. They’ve conducted multiples of interviews discussing those topics.
In contrast Kamala remains silent on answering questions and conducting interviews discussing those issues.
It's become obvious that the Democrats are going to run another "basement campaign" because it worked with Biden in 2020. They have to keep Harris from speaking extemporaneously and talking about the issues or her record in the Senate. They'll flood the media with Kamala makeover propaganda and Trump hate. They'll ignore the past 3.5 years. They'll say don't worry, it's all good. The problem for them is they don't control X/Twitter any more so they don't have a monopoly over social media.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"There were 147 mentions of Donald Trump during the first day of the DNC and only eight mentions of the southern border and three on inflation. The economy came up 27 times."

It's become obvious that the Democrats are going to run another "basement campaign" because it worked with Biden in 2020. They have to keep Harris from speaking extemporaneously and talking about the issues or her record in the Senate. They'll flood the media with Kamala makeover propaganda and Trump hate. They'll ignore the past 3.5 years. They'll say don't worry, it's all good. The problem for them is they don't control X/Twitter any more so they don't have a monopoly over social media.
You make a good point about X. And hopefully Trump will continue to use it by having conversations on Spaces there. Attracting a billion views will help offset the money being laundered to the Kamala campaign by nefarious means.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
More about the Harris plan for the US economy if the gets elected:

* She will raise the Corporate Tax rate to 28%, up from 21%. That's a 25% increase. How would that affect wages and how many jobs will that eliminate?

* She would raise the Capital Gains tax rate to 44.6%, up from the current 20%. Got a house or some stock you want to sell? Think about that.

* She will impose a tax of 25% on Unrealized Gains; currently there is no such tax. This would punish every American who has investments or owns a house. The Democrats have floated this idea before and it has fallen flat every time, for good reason. Most Americans don't understand how it would work, but this one issue should be enough reason to vote against Harris and any Democrat who supports her.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
More about the Harris plan for the US economy if the gets elected:

* She will raise the Corporate Tax rate to 28%, up from 21%. That's a 25% increase. How would that affect wages and how many jobs will that eliminate?

* She would raise the Capital Gains tax rate to 44.6%, up from the current 20%. Got a house or some stock you want to sell? Think about that.

* She will impose a tax of 25% on Unrealized Gains; currently there is no such tax. This would punish every American who has investments or owns a house. The Democrats have floated this idea before and it has fallen flat every time, for good reason. Most Americans don't understand how it would work, but this one issue should be enough reason to vote against Harris and any Democrat who supports her.
Looks like it will hurt the middle income earners.
Trump however, is for keeping the tax cuts that were implemented during his administration, which benefited that group and is for a meager reduction of the corporate tax rate from 21 to 20 %. More doable.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Another little factiod about Kamala Harris immigration policy that most Americans don't know about. She has promised to close all detention centers for illegal aliens "on day one". That means about 37,000 including those with criminal records or pending court cases will be turned loose into the US general population. Wonder how voters in PA, GA, AZ or WI would vote for Harris and welcome these scumbags into their communities?



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The problem for them is they don't control X/Twitter any more so they don't have a monopoly over social media.
Harris supporters are using Twitter/X with gusto, thank you very much, Elon!

With the continuing surge of organized volunteers the Harris campaign has, and the disgruntled, fragmented, infighting entity the Republican Party is, the Democrats will dominate all social media platforms from now to Election Day.

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Official Harris Fundraising Update:

No campaign in US history has raised this much money this fast. How is Trump's fundraising going? More importantly, who are his donors? Where is Trump's campaign money coming from?

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Republicans Endorsing Harris

I'm not sure how many Republicans are going to cross over to vote for Harris. There are hundreds of noteworthy Republicans willing to identify themselves by name and openly endorse Harris. In addition to the 200 mentioned in today's news, 40 of 44 former Trump cabinet officials have come out against Trump, as have many more who held positions in the Trump administration.

Is there an equal movement among Democrats? How many former Biden/Harris officials have publicly come out against Harris? How many Democrats of note have come out for Trump?

We'll probably never know how many ordinary Republican voters follow the lead of the named Republicans mentioned above. But to the extent this is a movement, the opposite movement on the opposite side is not developing in any meaningful way for Trump.

Forty of 44 former Trump cabinet officials do not support Trump. How much do you have to suck as a boss to produce that kind of result?

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Harris Momentum Continues

"WASHINGTON, Aug 29 (Reuters) - Democrat Kamala Harris leads Republican Donald Trump 45% to 41% in a Reuters/Ipsos poll published on Thursday that showed the vice president sparking new enthusiasm among voters and shaking up the race ahead of the Nov. 5 election.

"The 4 percentage point advantage among registered voters was wider than a 1 point lead Harris held over the former president in a late July Reuters/Ipsos poll. The new poll, which was conducted in the eight days ended Wednesday and had a 2 percentage point margin of error, showed Harris picking up support among women and Hispanics."

Trump is stronger among men. Women turn out to vote at rates higher than men.

Democrats are far more enthusiastic about the upcoming election than Republicans. Enthusiastic voters turn out more than those less enthused.

About the upcoming Harris/Walz interview, we already know MAGA and Trump will spin it in the worst possible light and the Democrats will spin it in the best possible light. I doubt it will make much difference how they do. Unless they freeze or totally collapse, which is highly unlikely for these skilled politicians, the interview, and others like them in the future, will pass as routine event that will have little impact on voter decisions.

The debates will be far more impactful and with those, Trump and Vance are bringing knives to gunfights. In debate skill, they are massively outmatched by Harris and Walz.
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Harris Lead is Widening

"Democrat Kamala Harris has surged ahead of Republican Donald Trump, 48%-43%, a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll found." (Source)

With over two months to go before Election Day, the polls are still meaningless as far as predicting the outcome goes. But the current trend is meaningful as it provides a snapshot of voter movement. In that regard, Harris is cleaning Trump's clock.

If this continues, a number of MAGA cultists will lose their faith. If enough of them do that (another percent or two), Trump's poll numbers will look more bleak and even more cultists will drop off. Trump is inching ever closer to a total collapse.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Polls and media adoration don't mean anything at this point because the general public knows very little about Harris's record and her positions on the issues. Once these facts are brought to light and people learn what she stands for and the effect she would have on things like the economy and our standard of living, voters will realize "joy and hope" doesn't mean squat. What will matter is her price controls on groceries, banning fracking, killing the filibuster to pass the Green New Deal, mandating electric cars, medicare for all, and declaring amnesty for all illegal aliens, just to name a few of her left-wing ideals. She is her own worst enemy, and even if she's never forced to talk about critical issues there's hours of video showing her explaining herself in detail. Most people will not like what they see in the real Kamala Harris.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Polls and media adoration don't mean anything at this point because the general public knows very little about Harris's record and her positions on the issues. Once these facts are brought to light and people learn what she stands for and the effect she would have on things like the economy and our standard of living, voters will realize "joy and hope" doesn't mean squat. What will matter is her price controls on groceries, banning fracking, killing the filibuster to pass the Green New Deal, mandating electric cars, medicare for all, and declaring amnesty for all illegal aliens, just to name a few of her left-wing ideals. She is her own worst enemy, and even if she's never forced to talk about critical issues there's hours of video showing her explaining herself in detail. Most people will not like what they see in the real Kamala Harris.
It's kind of funny to me that the "general public" doesn't know about V.P. Harris policy positions, but retired truck drivers do.