Kamala Harris


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The Left: “Trump is a dictator. We don’t want dictators.”

The Left also: “Trump should have been a dictator and just lowered drug prices.”
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The “spike” was mostly due to the rising from rock bottom of Biden. Historically low numbers.
Mostly astroturf enthusiasm. The vast amount of the donations are likely from the very wealthy and possibly laundered through unwitting supporters as well. Also begs the question: how much is that foreign money?
More unwitting supporters donating large sums of money, which they deny doing.
Looks like massive scandal:x.com

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Campaign Spending

Harris has hundreds of millions more than Trump to spend in the presidential campaign, and she's not spending it on lawyers.



Veteran Expediter
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From Harris's brief 2020 presidential campaign, here we have her policy toward businesses who don't play ball with her administration. Communism at its finest. Still looking for something likeable about this candidate.

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Veteran Expediter
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The most important issues for voters in the 2024 campaign are
* Inflation and Prices - 25%
* Immigration - 11%
* Healthcare - 10%
* Jobs and the economy - 10%
* Abortion - 8%

It's been 24 days and we have yet to hear a single word from Harris about her positions on any of these issues during her highly scripted and choreographed campaign speeches, and she refuses to hold pressers or interviews that might present hard questions. However there's a virtual library of quotes and video dating back to her disastrous primary effort in 2019, easily accessed on the internet. She's proven herself to be radically left-wing on all these issues and completely out of touch with Middle America. Eventually she'll have to explain herself. Given her penchant for insipid word salads it should be entertaining and revealing.

Behold, Harris and her handlers at the DNC have come out with a plan to tackle issue #1: Price Controls. Anyone with the most elementary understanding of economics knows price controls NEVER work, so imagine the havoc she could create if she imposes price controls on Big Pharma and Big Food. Those of us old enough to remember Nixon's price controls on gasoline can easily imagine similar lines at grocery stores and the empty shelves that we would find when we get inside. The shortages we saw during covid would be insignificant in comparison, so what would be the public reaction when they can't feed their families? And how will we feed the 20M illegal aliens who will no longer be illegal under Harris (see issue #2).

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Harris Continues to Build Her Lead

This is not a surprise. Harris has an exceptionally well funded and organized ground game. The hundreds of thousands of volunteers she has recruited are being trained and deployed at local levels. This takes time but it seems their impact is beginning to show.



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THIS is How You Win Elections

If you have ever worked a campaign phone bank, you know what I'm talking about. Real people talking to real people. A group of a dozen or so phone bankers making contact with hundreds of voters in a few hours. Genuine conversations going on about why people should vote for Harris/Walz. Trained callers helping voters anchor their Harris/Walz choice, get their questions answered, and/or resolve their concerns. Callers checking to make sure the voter is registered and knows how and when to vote. Callers trained to recruit additional volunteers and solicit donations. Two full months of this. Two full months for the ground game to continue to expand and reinforce itself, and to drive early voter turnout, and drive Election Day turnout.

Play the video to get a sense of how this room sounds. While this scene is obviously staged to show Harris and Walz personally making calls, it is exactly how a good phone bank looks and feels even without them present.

This is a brilliant piece of video. It will be shown to thousands of local people working their phone banks. It will excite and motivate the Harris/Walz volunteers. This is part of the suburb Harris/Walz ground game.

This in addition to precinct canvassing. This in addition to their $340 MILLION social media ad buy in swing states. This in addition to two candidates who do not disparage women, utter racist slurs, can maintain a coherent thought for more than two minutes, do not consider military personnel suckers, do not oppose the abortion rights the clear majority of Americans want, do not play golf when they could be working hard on the campaign instead, do not want to be a dictator on day one, do not give massive tax breaks to billionaires, and are not convicted felons.

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