How Long Before This Happens Here.....


Seasoned Expediter
That depends on where you are sitting on welfare, here in NY it is much much better to be on public assistance, financially speaking.

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And that is part of the problem that many refuse to see or accept.That when the government makes it more PROFITable for some one to stay on welfare then to go to work,Why bother looking for a job. You see rich or poor it is always about the profit.


Expert Expediter
I dont think my way of thinkking is the only way of thinking.I love the fact that other people do not think or feel the same as I do.What a sad world we would have if everone thought and felt the same way.

Also me saying by you feeling the need to bring racism into this debate shows how weak you know your augument is.Is in no way saying that the kkk way of thinking is the right way of thinking.Id be willing to bet you are the only one who took it that way:DYou see that also is on page one of the how to be a liberal handbook.Its rule number 2 Claim statements fom the right mean something they dont.If that dont work see rule number 3,That one is also on page 1 of the handbook you see its a short handbook.Rule #3 is see rule #1 cry racism.:eek:
If it was not your point in saying "I feel like a black man at a kkk meeting or a jew in a catholic church" to cry racism then what was your point?

Ok I should have said america is one of the only countrys in the world where a person can be born poor and die rich through hard work.

because i used black man and kkk in the same sentance i am being racist.

from what you say we should throw out the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights , and the Bible .
yes it would be a sad world if people were treated as human beings . not as a number . werent killed for no reason . only a hand full only be able to go here or there the rest can stay in their cages

it would be nice if you could think . can you try to think . since you cant or wouldt think i will tell you what i meant .

the KKK hated the black man no matter what . nothing the black man did or said would change that . the KKK HATED the black man . the KKK killed black men for no reason . and at times for something a white man did and then blamed the black man for it .
do i need to break ( jew in a catholic church) down for you yet to . are do you think you may be able to think now

YOU believe what you want and no matter what anbody else says you still wont believe it .

the last time i heard the one to shout racist first is usally the true racist .

you are the one that shouted racist first (really the only one ) because you are unable to think out side of the box . cant think about what he reads .

you can take your hand book and run home to your mommy . your hand book only shows me you will never believe in anything else then what you believe in now . no matter what . and does not have anything to do with what the thread is about . ALL YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT IS TO TRYING TO HURT MY FEELINGS AND FOR ME TO BOW DOWN AND BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN . because you know the way people should be treated but if you did treat people that way you would not be where you are today . you are no better then the ones that are in the government now .


Expert Expediter
And that is part of the problem that many refuse to see or accept.That when the government makes it more PROFITable for some one to stay on welfare then to go to work,Why bother looking for a job. You see rich or poor it is always about the profit.

and have you been looking for a job have you found one . already . boy you are good . since others have been looking for 4 or more years .

yep when was the last time you seen the government bail out workers because their company was going to shut down .and the workers will be out of a job . but how many companies has the government bailed out . here is some i know of railroads , air lines , banks ,car makers ,and gas companies . ALL GET TAXPAYERS MONEY GIVEN TO THEN EVERY YEAR oh i better say bail out or some wont be able to think


Seasoned Expediter
the KKK hated the black man no matter what . nothing the black man did or said would change that . the KKK HATED the black man . the KKK killed black men for no reason . and at times for something a white man did and then blamed the black man for it .
do i need to break ( jew in a catholic church) down for you yet to . are do you think you may be able to think now .

So You said it to bring race into a debate that as far as im concerned is no more about race,then a debate about the sun being cold.Do you read what you write?I mean really you as much as admit you did it to cry racism.If not why not use this example!I feel like a worker crossing the picket line:eek:Or this one I feel like a republican at a Democratic rally.

HURTING YOUR FEELINGS IS THE LAST THING IM TRYING TO DO.You see if I was trying to hurt your feelings I would say something like "You need to go back on your meds"But I did not say that,that was just an example of something I would say if I was trying to hurt your feelings.

and have you been looking for a job have you found one . already . boy you are good . since others have been looking for 4 or more years .

yep when was the last time you seen the government bail out workers because their company was going to shut down .and the workers will be out of a job . but how many companies has the government bailed out . here is some i know of railroads , air lines , banks ,car makers ,and gas companies . ALL GET TAXPAYERS MONEY GIVEN TO THEN EVERY YEAR oh i better say bail out or some wont be able to think

No I have not been out of a job or looking.See though my spelling and grammer is really bad,Im a pretty smart guy,I have enough skills to keep me working You see I have two different things That Iam very good at.I cook Which I went to school for,I also have my CDL which I have had for over 15 years.You see these are two things that some one is always gonna need.I remember about 6 years ago I was a kitchen manager at a bar and it was time to renew my license.I had a waitress ask me why spend the extra money to keep my CDL when I was not using it?My answer was simple it is my back up!


Veteran Expediter
I remember about 6 years ago I was a kitchen manager at a bar and it was time to renew my license.I had a waitress ask me why spend the extra money to keep my CDL when I was not using it?My answer was simple it is my back up!

I kept my class A even though I was working as a customer service rep, I am glad I did since it looks like I will be using it again for a little while.

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Expert Expediter
So You said it to bring race into a debate that as far as im concerned is no more about race,then a debate about the sun being cold.Do you read what you write?I mean really you as much as admit you did it to cry racism.If not why not use this example!I feel like a worker crossing the picket line:eek:Or this one I feel like a republican at a Democratic rally.!
ok so you understood what i was saying . then why did you turn it into racism . so you are the type of person that thinks the word black should not be used any more .??

HURTING YOUR FEELINGS IS THE LAST THING IM TRYING TO DO.You see if I was trying to hurt your feelings I would say something like "You need to go back on your meds"But I did not say that,that was just an example of something I would say if I was trying to hurt your feelings..!
my feeling getting hurt in any type of forum . LOL the only thing that hurts is how ignert , stupid , lazy, bigets etc peope are or can be . we need EDUCATED voters today . i been trying to EDUCATE what i see and alot just blow me off . because i dont have any facts posted on the internet . because they dont what to believe that they could be wrong .

No I have not been out of a job or looking.See though my spelling and grammer is really bad,Im a pretty smart guy,I have enough skills to keep me working You see I have two different things That Iam very good at.I cook Which I went to school for,I also have my CDL which I have had for over 15 years.You see these are two things that some one is always gonna need.I remember about 6 years ago I was a kitchen manager at a bar and it was time to renew my license.I had a waitress ask me why spend the extra money to keep my CDL when I was not using it?My answer was simple it is my back up!
back up plan is good
but why is it always the poor people or the work class that gets beat up on here . i mean are you that PERFECT and everybody else should be as good as you ??

i got to ask what school did the cave man go to . to learn to cook . what about Grand MA . not saying nothing about you . i am saying about the whole Country . and why does that mean you are worth more then somebody that didnt go to college .

so you go to school 4 years to learn to cook . i go to work cooking hambrugers for 4 years . then one day you start work right beside me cooking hambrugers . why are you with your peice of paper worth more then me . you learned to cook from a book i learned from doing the actually cooking . so because you know how to cooking other stuff then hambrugers , you are worth more . but guess what you are not cooking anything more then hambrugers just like me .

i used you as a example and nothing more .

family member owns a farm . he quit school and truely cant read . so does that mean he should not be farming .. he is smarter then most at farming .
he is makeing it with what he got . if he could get the funds he could do better . he could hire somebody to help .
like with help he would have to follow so many regs. he would go broke .
he knows if he had a milking parlor he could make more money and milk .


Seasoned Expediter
ok so you understood what i was saying . then why did you turn it into racism . so you are the type of person that thinks the word black should not be used any more .??

my feeling getting hurt in any type of forum . LOL the only thing that hurts is how ignert , stupid , lazy, bigets etc peope are or can be . we need EDUCATED voters today . i been trying to EDUCATE what i see and alot just blow me off . because i dont have any facts posted on the internet . because they dont what to believe that they could be wrong .

back up plan is good
but why is it always the poor people or the work class that gets beat up on here . i mean are you that PERFECT and everybody else should be as good as you ??

i got to ask what school did the cave man go to . to learn to cook . what about Grand MA . not saying nothing about you . i am saying about the whole Country . and why does that mean you are worth more then somebody that didnt go to college .

so you go to school 4 years to learn to cook . i go to work cooking hambrugers for 4 years . then one day you start work right beside me cooking hambrugers . why are you with your peice of paper worth more then me . you learned to cook from a book i learned from doing the actually cooking . so because you know how to cooking other stuff then hambrugers , you are worth more . but guess what you are not cooking anything more then hambrugers just like me .

i used you as a example and nothing more .

family member owns a farm . he quit school and truely cant read . so does that mean he should not be farming .. he is smarter then most at farming .
he is makeing it with what he got . if he could get the funds he could do better . he could hire somebody to help .
like with help he would have to follow so many regs. he would go broke .
he knows if he had a milking parlor he could make more money and milk .

When YOU say YOU feel like a BLACK man in a KKK meeting you are calling everyone who does not agree with you in this thread a racist.Say black all you want.Black+KKK=racism and you know it.

You need to open your eyes because you are not seeing the same things that many other people are seeing.Or maybe you are and just chose to look the other way.

I worked my way through college working in kitchens so I too learned from doing not just a book.I got into my school of choice but could not afford it,yes I could have taken out thousands upon thousands of dollars in loans.I chose to go to a community college instead.There are some great chefs that did not go to college.I have worked with a few myself.How in the world did you come up with the guy flipping burgers is not worth as much as the guy with the degree.I said I have a back up! It is not my fault that someone else does not.Although in 95% of business that is very true.Does not matter if you like it or not.Thats just how it is and in now way is that wrong.Would you want the mail clerk in a law firm to defend you in court that did not go to law school if you were being charged with murder just because he has worked at the law firm for four years?:eek:


Veteran Expediter
When YOU say YOU feel like a BLACK man in a KKK meeting you are calling everyone who does not agree with you in this thread a racist.Say black all you want.Black+KKK=racism and you know it.

You need to open your eyes because you are not seeing the same things that many other people are seeing.Or maybe you are and just chose to look the other way.

I worked my way through college working in kitchens so I too learned from doing not just a book.I got into my school of choice but could not afford it,yes I could have taken out thousands upon thousands of dollars in loans.I chose to go to a community college instead.There are some great chefs that did not go to college.I have worked with a few myself.How in the world did you come up with the guy flipping burgers is not worth as much as the guy with the degree.I said I have a back up! It is not my fault that someone else does not.Although in 95% of business that is very true.Does not matter if you like it or not.Thats just how it is and in now way is that wrong.Would you want the mail clerk in a law firm to defend you in court that did not go to law school if you were being charged with murder just because he has worked at the law firm for four years?:eek:

He comes up with these really odd examples to prove he is right but they make no sense. He also thinks we don't understand things, it is everyone else and not him.

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Expert Expediter
He comes up with these really odd examples to prove he is right but they make no sense. He also thinks we don't understand things, it is everyone else and not him.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App

and what have you ever proved .


Veteran Expediter
How did you do that? It seems there are rarely flat spots on earth since it has a natural curve.

Well duh! Because my god is a flamboyant god. He would never make something as simple as a sphere or ellipse. A dodecahedron is just his style. I know if I were a god, I'd make a planet like that too. :cool:


Seasoned Expediter
go get a minimum wage job . then come back tell us how your life is going then . if you can still afford to have internet .

I dont have to get a minimum wage job!!!!!!I was responsible enough to look ahead in life and make the choices that would ensure that I have more then one set of skills in order to get through life with out haveing to take that 7.35 an hour job.
That being said if it came to that I would have no problem working that shovel if it kept me from becoming a burden on society.:D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
go get a minimum wage job . then come back tell us how your life is going then . if you can still afford to have internet .

Let's see. My niece are her "whatever" have NO jobs of any kind. Not even minimum wage. They have internet, 3 Obama phones, food stamps, don't pay for housing and do not support their 3 kids. They have a car, both can afford tatoo's, her "whatever" can afford cigarettes and they both can afford to smoke pot and do who know's what else. Then they complain that the government does nothing for them. They are only getting what they are "owed". They should be getting more if you ask them. Been that way for years. Their father did not work for 20 years and there is little chance for their kids. I have little doubt that there are "excuse makers" who will say it is not their fault. They were FORCED to be stupid and lazy by greedy corporations or something like that. It is NOT their fault that they NEVER tried to upgrade their jobs skills, that would interfere with their pot smoking time.