Well maybe it would be a good start to decideing who needs it and who dont!Have them pee in a cup for starters
Not something I agree with. Drug testing is just the government's way of appearing to address an issue, rather than find the cause, and I've never seen a single iota of proof that it works. Drug testing people for benefits improves nothing but some folks' need for retribution. "I have to pay taxes for your lazy butt, but I can make sure you don't enjoy it."
Making people do community service work.Think about it how many big citys do we go into and are dirty and nasty as can be.They dont want to pee in a cup dont want to do community service no help.Dont agree with this?then how do you think we should weed out the people that dont need it or the people that only want to live like this because they belive they are owed something.It sucks that we have to do this but it has to be dealt with.Even if we raise taxes on the rich it still needs to be dealt with.
The only people who ever talk about what the government 'owes' other people are the people who don't like knowing their taxes help support poor people [but don't seem to care about all the educated wealthy people taxes also help support.]
You may not like this but here it goes.You see,most of us have no problem helping people who we see as needing the help.It is my money and I should have the choice of who and when
Really? I have no choice in what the government spends money on, why should you?
.And if you want to belive it or not we do not lump all people on welfare together.I know people who have lost their jobs and have had to seek help and they hate it.I also know people that the only way of life they have ever known is welfare all the while making that extra cash on the side.
Again: given that nearly every state is in financial trouble, it's impossible to believe they are [or would] give money to people who don't need it, or could be self supporting if they tried. The feds and the states redesigned assistance programs many years ago to stop the 'lifetime' benefits, and the financial picture is far worse now than it was then.
You however seem to think that all rich people are bad and that all rich people owe it to the poor to pay more.
That all rich people dont care about anyone but themselfs.You seem to belive that all rich people have private jets and live in muliti million dollar homes.Not all rich people got bailed out.The rich give billions and I do mean billions of dollars a year to charitys.dont belive me look at where plan parenthood gets a big chunck of their money every year.
None of what you think I believe is anywhere near the truth. I think rich people owe it to society to share in accordance with their means, instead of finding clever loopholes to shield their income & assets from taxes.
As far as their possessions: I don't giveadam - I've never been a very materialistic personality, and don't want what they have.
Charity? Don't make me laugh! Sure they give - with strings attached [a building named for themselves], photos & publicity arranged, tax breaks, and for smaller donations, they always get something in return: golf tournament, exclusive preview of new exhibits/plays/events. I'll save my admiration for the folks who don't have much, but share it without fuss, fanfare, or any expectation or desire for something in return, because they are genuinely giving people, and I'm privileged to know a few of them.
Keep buying into Obama's class warfare if you want I chose not to.
Class warfare? Another popular buzzword [like entitlement mentality] used - wait, I mean misused- to dismiss the problems rather than discuss them.
Ever notice that if a less privileged group says "It's not fair!" it's called 'entitlement mentality' [usually preceded by whiny liberal] and dismissed without a second [or even first] thought - but if a more privileged group says it [through lobbyists & lawyers] it's called' leveling the playing field', and it gets laws and regulations changed?