December 2014


Retired Expediter
Don't reply - just ask yourself, seriously: when people believe that those at the bottom of the income ladder are to blame for higher prices, and unions are inherently evil, cui bono? [Who benefits?] And why would they lie about it?

I don't "blame" the bottom" as I don't blame the "top" it is life .....period.....someone will always be on the us for example....168 a week "at the ready" for what?.....5 bucks an hour?.....


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
I don't "blame" the bottom" as I don't blame the "top" it is life .....period.....someone will always be on the us for example....168 a week "at the ready" for what?.....5 bucks an hour?.....

5 bucks an hour, I remember an Engineering firm I worked for in 1972 paid me that wage and I could not spend it all. We worked 7 days a week for 3 months---I was rich,it was the best of times for a short while.....


Veteran Expediter
What you mean is "the majority of other big box stores pay as little as they do", because WalMart is the largest employer. They set the standards that others follow.
There are those who bash them because it's "the cool thing to do", but I am more likely to stop doing something that 'everyone' is doing than to start. [For example: I've had a tattoo for nearly 30 years, and have been keeping it covered up ever since they became 'trendy.']
If you like them, that's your prerogative, and there is much about the stores to like, granted. At the corporate level, however, their disdain for workers and taxpayers is, IMO, corrosive and insulting to the rest of America. We could [and should] be better than that.

Admit it... you keep it covered because Care Bears aren't all that trendy anymore. ;)


Veteran Expediter
Good Morning from Pot Stir , Ark...
Mr. Murray is your tongue feeling better
I heard you have been Biting it Hard the last 24 hours...:eek::D
Well my work here is Done..:p


Expert Expediter
Ohare to Harrison township michigan. A nice 360 miles, i called in last night out of service till monday, well they call anyway and it's hard to say to no to $.

1630 pick up..


Veteran Expediter
I may try and suck it up and wait til tax check and get my own generator.

There are cheap generators out there. But you just have to go into a purchase of those knowing they are disposable. A waste of money. But not a lot of money. Careful with the wattage. It's not higher math but don't buy a heater at the generator's max. I was running a 1250 watt heater and a very low watt mattress pad off a 2000 watt Hyundai. I had some issues with it at first but they had it fixed under warranty. It's parked in the garage now, though, as I'm now off the road. :)!!