December 2014


Veteran Expediter
At home OOS until Sunday morning. I'm preparing for our annual Christmas party Saturday night. Aside from cleaning and other miscellaneous duties, my task tonight was to test the candles.

Yep, they're working!

I LOVE those candles - they even smell wonderful!


Veteran Expediter
If WalMart treated [and paid] "Associates" halfway decently, they wouldn't want a union. But if they needed [and got] a union, they wouldn't need food stamps to feed their kids. They won't get one though - when the meatcutters voted to join a union, WalMart fired them, and contracted the jobs to an outside vendor.
They treat truck drivers delivering to their locations like trash, too.

They pay just as much as the majority of big box stores. Funny how people want to single them out because that's the cool thing to do.

Personally I like them and will continue supporting their stores.


Active Expediter
If WalMart treated [and paid] "Associates" halfway decently, they wouldn't want a union. But if they needed [and got] a union, they wouldn't need food stamps to feed their kids. They won't get one though - when the meatcutters voted to join a union, WalMart fired them, and contracted the jobs to an outside vendor.
They treat truck drivers delivering to their locations like trash, too.

This looks like a potential soapbox topic, but I have a hard time seeing unions as a solution to any current day problem. Raise wages, but add union dues; add more benefits, but also add the union infrastructure, who are not known for working cheaply, to the economic equation. In the end, the consumer has to pay. for it...increasing the prices of the wonderful imported products that dominate retail shelves in the US. Have unions increased or decreased the number of automotive jobs here? There was certainly a time when the workers were absolutely abused, but I feel those days are largely gone and the providers of that solution have become an ever present cause of new problems.

As a driver, before I was in expediting, I did a lot of drop-and-hooks at Wal-Mart DCs. Loved them. Fairly consistant operating and security procedures, etc. Live loads, I know, are not so fun there just like most large food and retail warehouses, and store level loads that I have done have been like any home depot/menards type loads.

Regarding the need for food stamps by retail associates...most likely true, I would guess. Not at all unlike the people who fill the more junior ranks of our military...personally that bothers me more than the level of shelf-stocker pay. IMHO.


Active Expediter
We get .80 to.90 com and most if not all deadhead to pickup. We were told we will have a lot of runs from NC and KY area to Larado and back. I agreed to pay rate and NO fuel surcharge when I signed on with my carrier.


Veteran Expediter
Leaving Laredo on a wh0re rate. I've been there, McAllen, El Paso & Nogales and not been proud of the rate I drove out on a couple of times. Laredo chews up freight and spits out empty trucks.

Seen it first hand last night ...No Name sprinter picking up same time as me....he got 2 skids at 3700 lbs. for 50 cents a mile....and he was thrilled...
I got 1 skid 300 lbs. at $ 1.00 a mile plus DH money....


Veteran Expediter
Seen it first hand last night ...No Name sprinter picking up same time as me....he got 2 skids at 3700 lbs. for 50 cents a mile....and he was thrilled...
I got 1 skid 300 lbs. at $ 1.00 a mile plus DH money....

Ok, so I've never run that low out of there. Ugh!!


Retired Expediter
If WalMart treated [and paid] "Associates" halfway decently, they wouldn't want a union. But if they needed [and got] a union, they wouldn't need food stamps to feed their kids. They won't get one though - when the meatcutters voted to join a union, WalMart fired them, and contracted the jobs to an outside vendor.
They treat truck drivers delivering to their locations like trash, too.

They pay competitive their respective markets...$17.00 an hr in Dickinson and Williston to start..and the few of the drivers I've spoken to since I do so much Wally World sitting seem pretty well off....Heck they get $42.00 just to sleep....all they do is drop and hook....and a guaranteed parking spot at that!


Retired Expediter
Some lucky driver is on their way to woken up by the offer...has to be there tomorrow afternoon....1600 miles to some lucky bloke....:) It gets easier every time to turn a Laredo load down....:)


Retired Expediter
This looks like a potential soapbox topic, but I have a hard time seeing unions as a solution to any current day problem. Raise wages, but add union dues; add more benefits, but also add the union infrastructure, who are not known for working cheaply, to the economic equation. In the end, the consumer has to pay. for it...increasing the prices of the wonderful imported products that dominate retail shelves in the US. Have unions increased or decreased the number of automotive jobs here? There was certainly a time when the workers were absolutely abused, but I feel those days are largely gone and the providers of that solution have become an ever present cause of new problems.

As a driver, before I was in expediting, I did a lot of drop-and-hooks at Wal-Mart DCs. Loved them. Fairly consistant operating and security procedures, etc. Live loads, I know, are not so fun there just like most large food and retail warehouses, and store level loads that I have done have been like any home depot/menards type loads.

Regarding the need for food stamps by retail associates...most likely true, I would guess. Not at all unlike the people who fill the more junior ranks of our military...personally that bothers me more than the level of shelf-stocker pay. IMHO.

your correct its a vicious circle that will never end but spiral UP!! Look at Canada Ontario with its $12.00 minimum....$6.00 Wendy burger Value meals almost double.......someone has to pay.....


Retired Expediter
Some lucky driver is on their way to woken up by the offer...has to be there tomorrow afternoon....1600 miles to some lucky bloke....:) It gets easier every time to turn a Laredo load down....:)

now had they said a reasonable sunday or better yet Monday morning delivery..I might have been tempted....but this one was a no brainer.......NO


Veteran Expediter
Back at the fishin hole, staying in service for awhile see if I can hook one more for the pay period.