DeSantis Polling Plunge Continues
In January, according to the FiveThirtyEight average of all polls, DeSantis' was polling 40.5% which was his all-time high. Today, he's at 15.6%. A New Hampshire poll just put him in single digits at 9%, which ties him with Chris Christie. (
Source) A Fox Business News poll published Sunday has DeSantis in third place among Republican primary voters in South Carolina. (
The next closest candidate (average of all polls) is Pence at 5%.
If DeSantis is able to keep his momentum going, he'll catch Pence, and soon threaten the other candidates as they scramble for last-place. Competition for that honor is tight as four candidates are polling below 1.0%. But DeSantis seems firmly committed to that goal.
His two prior campaign resets reinforced his consistent poll decline. Just this week, he again greased his down-slope skids by announcing a third campaign reset and staying firmly on message. His race to the bottom is also aided by his continuing
attacks on Disney. reduced cash on hand and a marked decline in new fundraising.
Strategy-wise, the DeSantis is brilliant. He says he is in it to win it; and it seems the media and virtually all pundits believe him. But astute observers can detect DeSantis's true goal by examining his campaign behavior and poll numbers. That goal is to finish dead last. In that regard, his strategy is flawless. If DeSantis continues to do what he has been doing, he will not disappoint those who are rooting for his further demise.