August locations.... Here come the dog days


OVM Project Manager
Old expediting habits are hard to break...took a nap this afternoon and now I'm ready to drive at 2:30 in the morning! Then I realize that I don't do that anymore and the John Deere might wake the neighbors!


Expert Expediter
Old expediting habits are hard to break...took a nap this afternoon and now I'm ready to drive at 2:30 in the morning! Then I realize that I don't do that anymore and the John Deere might wake the neighbors!

Then you live too close to your neighbors....:cool:

sent from my Galaxy Tab2


Veteran Expediter
Still in f'n Laredo. Had to leave the TV room at the J because watching Maury Povich, then some ridiculously smutty dating show was turning my brain to mush. A couple more days in this hot, poor-cell-service, boring hole and I will be ready for either a straitjacket or an orange jumpsuit. :mad:


Retired Expediter
At least I dont do the company laundry ......or vacume John s office when he has the flu........:p:p

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John didn't have the flu...after a 2 day golfing gig...he had the Blue flu..lets say too much sun......LOL