Search results

  1. rollincoal

    Uber trucking?

    I just don't see how an Uber type app adds any value. Considering liability, as some of you allude to, it just seems like the geek tech heads who look at our multi billion dollar industry only see it in simple black and white terms. This is just a new kind of middle man attempting to do what...
  2. rollincoal


    What is it with broke desperate people that makes them so attracted to o/o thing? Successful people know how to manage money. They know the difference between needs and wants. More often than not most of the things we want are not needs but show me someone in dire financial straits and I'll...
  3. rollincoal


    Yeah really funny. Every time I send in quarterly taxes I just lmao at the amusement of it all.
  4. rollincoal


    What is so funny about an out of control military industrial machine training to infiltrate soldiers among citizens of it's own country? Why do they need to train like that? Whatever happened to posse commitatus (sp?)? 90% of the world's problems would go away if we quit meddling in other...
  5. rollincoal

    Expedite broker load board?

    Yeah I saw that. There's 2 sides to every story. Not everyone is cut out for operating in this manner lots of people fail here as they do or would any where. No hand holding sink or swim is all on # 1. The Covenant thing is history no longer any association there. My contract is different...
  6. rollincoal

    Expedite broker load board?

    It varies. Normally runs anywhere from 30-40 cents below cash price at Pilot/Flying J. No swipe fees with the fuel card. When the price of fuel was dropping like a rock it was as much as 90 cents off a gallon. A friend of mine uses NASTC Fleet one card and it trends relatively close to that...
  7. rollincoal

    Expedite broker load board?

    It varies with trending volumes but they all post up expedited freight on open loadboards at one time or another. I've seen and booked from just about every expedited carrier in this forum off DAT, ITS plus also a lot from free LS, and CHR loadboards and contacts. I do solo expedited tractor...
  8. rollincoal

    Is it worth joining an LTL/Partials loadboard?

    One other thing to point out - more of TT issue with "LTL". If you don't have the leeway of a week or two on delivery time with an "LTL" then it is a truckload not LTL. In other words if they are telling you they have a 500 lb pallet 48×48×48" that picks up anytime today and must deliver...
  9. rollincoal

    Is it worth joining an LTL/Partials loadboard?

    LTL from load boards is so hit and miss. A lot of these brokers do a very poor job finding out correct dimensions. That'll be a big problem for you. Even more so with smaller trucks. I don't know of any LTL specific load boards. I would recommend trying out Internet Truck Stop load board...
  10. rollincoal

    Jan. - June 2015 Progress Report

    Down about $5,000 compared to this point last year but my rates are up a few cents per mile and my fuel cost has dropped from around 30% last year to nearer 20% this year.
  11. rollincoal

    Truck Speed Limiter Mandate is Progressing

    He made an individual decision what is best for his fleet. That's how it should be. That USXpress, Schneider, JBHunt, "insert any ATA association member here" want to regulate everyone to 65 mph maximum is not right. One size does not fit all. It's fine for mega fleets trying to keep costs...
  12. rollincoal

    Good News from my Company

    I have had brokers tell me before, at least with semi's, that eastern euros from Chicago area can be some of the biggest gouges out there. In fact I have a friend from that area who is Polish immigrant that is one helluva a negotiator and does not run cheap at all. We joke all the time about...
  13. rollincoal

    Check out Google Earth. More than just a fun fact. It pays MONEY!

    I use googlemaps to route my semi almost every trip. It's great to drag the route and check for shortcuts. The old googlemaps anyways. The new googlemaps I find completely useless and unusable.
  14. rollincoal

    Truck Speed Limiter Mandate is Progressing

    Agreed you'll hear about guys getting run over in truck stop parking lots more and wrecks in construction zones. They like to sell it as a saftey measure but it's not about saftey. That's just the ruse ATA members use as cover for what is essentially an anti competitive regulation.
  15. rollincoal

    Truck Speed Limiter Mandate is Progressing

    I like to drive the speed limit and sometimes faster guess I'll just have to be an outlaw on this reg. Good thing there are ways around it.
  16. rollincoal

    when an expedited load turns out to not really be an expedite

    Yeah TT here. So what are typical detention rates for cargo van, sprinter, and straights at whatever company some of you drivers are leased to? Just curious. I mean some of these brokers will offer a TT, in all seriousness, $25 an hour after 2 hours and say that's what it always pays...
  17. rollincoal

    when an expedited load turns out to not really be an expedite

    I never had a problem getting detention most times. It's never really been at what I considered a decent rate but never had a problem getting it. I've even had one Landstar agent ask me (this one in particular had the best freight, rates, and overall I would have dropped anything for one of...
  18. rollincoal

    Trucking Industry sets record, 700 Billion Dollar Year.

    I made good money on solid rates last year but have seen declines ever since 2012. I didn't know wth I was doing in 2011 but suspect it was a blockbuster year in spot for anyone who could play the game well. This year the volume and rates are way down. These things come and go in cycles...
  19. rollincoal

    when an expedited load turns out to not really be an expedite

    So you are leased on with XPO? Let me ask you how exactly does detention work for you guys if you get held up at a GM plant?
  20. rollincoal

    when an expedited load turns out to not really be an expedite

    So I lost a lot of time on delivery and got some bogus story that detention starts after 4 hours. This was a GM load bid by a Landstar agent. I think the paperwork said NLM on it so XPO owned it I guess. I don't recall having any detention at a GM plant in a few years but since when has the...