Expert Expediter
Just wondering if anyone has noticed any unusual Military operations recently in thier Travels, and what are some your therories , http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/...e-military-is-banning-media-from-covering-it/
Just wondering if anyone has noticed any unusual Military operations recently in thier Travels,http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/...e-military-is-banning-media-from-covering-it/
I was thinking hard hat in tin foil.....them conspiracy nuts start falling out of trees.....I'm buying some Alcoa stock. Tin foil sales should be going through the roof.
This pigeon was spotted on the roof of an abandoned Wal Mart somewhere in Texas. It isn't know if the pigeon is a member of the Texas State Guard spying on Operation Jade Helm.
We used to call it reforger when I was an MP... Think that was a German thing tho.. 272nd MP Co 95th Battalion Manheim Germany APO NY09086 funny I can remember that but am clueless as to what I ate yesterday.
Im talking about anything unusual.Did anyone think that most of the Military, National Guard & Reserve units going to there two week summer training.