WOW, Really has it come to this, were actually talking about Jade Helm whatever it is.....I thought since the Russian Soldiers under the Walmarts in RI who blew up the lady on the beach chair got confused and tunnelled all the way up there, maybe it will all blow over, and Art Bell, and George Noory will be bored that weekend.....playing Cards with Alex Jones and watching the Militia guys get all camoed up and paint there faces green and BS brown, and what stand by the side of the fence at the Military base and wish they were driving a M1 ABRAMS to Taco Bell....LOLOLOLOL, If this is what things have come to that we are actually waiting for the Texas Takeover from Underground subterranean Walmart bases....lololololol.....sorry didnt mean to hurt anyones feeling....but its pretty darn stupid to let yourself by brainwashed by some underground radio jacka$$ and buy in to what hes pukin....but the Governor.....and then the Texas Guard are gonna do what, take pictures of the Other guys in Camo and then what....all meet at Taco Bell and sing campfire songs.....LOLOLOL