Search results

  1. rollincoal

    53' dry van expediter special

    Heavier is a no go. With that first initial 6,000 lb load I ended up putting it back down to the ground after 50 miles. Did a few expedites this week with lighter weights (rough estimates is what they were) and still kept it down. Needs just a hair more lift. For now with any 1 pallet (or a...
  2. rollincoal

    53' dry van expediter special

    Not working out as well as I had hoped with any sort of load which is disappointing. On the other hand I had 477 deadhead miles this week which is typical for ordinary weeks. I want to see about cutting the bump stops down or swapping them out. I only need an extra 1" of lift and it should be...
  3. rollincoal

    53' dry van expediter special

    That is a concern, only time will tell. Tomorrow will be the first load ever with axle up 6,000 lbs going 265 miles.
  4. rollincoal

    53' dry van expediter special

    Got an under beam lift kit installed on my trailer today. This is a good upgrade if you run a lot of lightweight freight. My deadhead is at 23% the past 3 years and conservatively half the loads I haul are under 20,000 lbs although I don't keep numbers on actual loaded weights. I'm pretty...
  5. rollincoal

    What are my options?

    Second opinion is not doctor shopping. We are talking about real people here (not kooks looking for a high or psychiatric cases) looking to actually work and hold down a job without it being threatened by an imaginary diagnosis of an overdiagnosed, overhyped non-issue. The fact that anyone has...
  6. rollincoal

    What are my options?

    What does one have to be forthcoming about if they never did a sleep study? The day is coming when sleep studies will be mandatory i'M sure because just like the health insurance industry the CPAP apnea industry would like to have guaranteed customers and revenue also.
  7. rollincoal

    What are my options?

    That is not what's known as doctor shopping. Doctor shopping is what drug addicts do to get a fix. There is no law or regulation that says yout can't get more than one DOT physical. Physicians make mistakes too. I understand sleep apnea is a real medical condition but what is going on with...
  8. rollincoal

    What are my options?

    Go to another doctor and don't mention your sleep apnea diagnosis. The whole issue of forcing drivers on cap machines is a bogus money making scam anyways. People with sleep apnea can function.
  9. rollincoal

    Sprinter (and other diesel) turbo maintenance.

    There is no way any debris from a failure is getting past the CAC into the head. I was on my way to Huntsville, AL to pick up air freight. Was only about 10 miles away from the shipper when it let go and I pulled it into a strip mall where some of the businesses were vacant. I was only 40...
  10. rollincoal

    Sprinter (and other diesel) turbo maintenance.

    Checking the end play is normally what you would do. I had a turbo failure that happened out of the blue this past October. The turbo had 300,000 miles, about a third of it's life, when it just grenaded itself one night. About 130,000 miles prior to the failure the motor was inframed by CAT...
  11. rollincoal

    January 2015

    They probably figure bigger trucks equals bigger bucks. I wish I could get a truck wash for $18!
  12. rollincoal

    Carrier Setup with New 3PL / Broker

    Are you trying to rereinvent the wheel? The only bad part is feeling rushed to read a lengthy contract if time is of the essence. Fax, email whatever works can be accomplished no problem from the cab of a truck.
  13. rollincoal

    Carrier Setup with New 3PL / Broker

    Read the carrier packet before you sign off on it. Any glaring idiotic parts holding you responsible for things beyond your control, mark through and initial it. Everything is negotiable. If it's not it isn't worth the trouble because there are 1,000 more who will negotiate given the right...
  14. rollincoal

    i-65 at Whiteland, Indiana exit

    Re: i-65 SB at Whiteland, Indiana exit closed Never mind it's open now :-)
  15. rollincoal


    Good to know. There is a Penske cross dock in Louisville that is exactly the opposite a lesson in how it should not be done.
  16. rollincoal

    Buying vs Renting

    Makes sense now that you put it that way.
  17. rollincoal

    Need advice on charging to hand unload my truck

    Yeah I will only tailgate loads and only if they pay very well. I would pass on this one because I don't have a liftgate. If I had a liftgate it would have to be really lucrative for me to lug a bunch of freight inside somewhere from the truck.
  18. rollincoal

    Buying vs Renting

    They're really racking it up on straight trucks if that's what they charge per mile. More expensive than tractors but I guess if they can why not right? Rates on class 8 tractor were $850 a week for sleeper cab plus 13cpm or $750 a week plus 13cpm for a day cab. I was really in no position to...