I never liked this idea. Still don't.
Rule to mandate speed limiters for heavy trucks sent to White House for approval
Rule to mandate speed limiters for heavy trucks sent to White House for approval
Drive the 401 through Ontario if you're on the fence about this. It's a nightmare with trucks unable to pass one another and blocking both lanes.
At that speed the speed limiter law has no effect on you....lol.....all while getting lapped by a school bus fool of kids. Wish I was kidding. There are very few times we drive faster than 59.5 mph. The 401 is definitely one of them.
Drive the 401 through Ontario if you're on the fence about this. It's a nightmare with trucks unable to pass one another and blocking both lanes.
Reality tho is....its going to be law.....which you have a choice...adapt your driving habits accordingly or leave driving behind....Whatever speed you drive, there's nothing that says 65 is enough to escape trouble, either, and I'd prefer to have the option, if & when I need it.
But then, I'd prefer to drive when I feel rested, and rest when I don't, and they sure don't care about that.
Needed a 30 minute break yesterday, less than an hour before delivery.![]()
Reality tho is....its going to be law.....which you have a choice...adapt your driving habits accordingly or leave driving behind....
be nice if 70 mph were the chosen speed...
considering some of the big fleets have some type of speed limiting already in place... this isn't a huge step....It only calls for limiters on vehicles heavier than 26,000 pounds.
Well Dave many states already have split speeds... Indiana, Illinois, Mich Ohio to name a few ... Where 65 mph is tops for over 13T....Just another stupid governmental move. We have spent millions and years of research to determine split speeds are more dangerous. Soooo, what do they do? Lets have split speed limits again. Followed by more millions spent to determine they are unsafe.![]()