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  1. muttly

    A Conservative Manifesto....

    Funny too but not sexist or extreme sexist as was labeled.:D
  2. muttly

    A Conservative Manifesto....

    Agree. Those aren't actually sexist statements. They are just insults. Levin's reason for insulting libs by name calling is he is just doing to them what the libs do to conservatives.
  3. muttly

    Yes we can!

    Sometimes when i can on satelite radio,also Levin,Church,Hannity,Gibson,Rush.etc....:D
  4. muttly

    Yes we can!

    The government that is. YouTube - Tim Hawkins - The Government Can
  5. muttly

    Interesting Read About the Great Lion

    This story seems plausable to me.
  6. muttly

    Quote by Stalin

    It is relevant. It also made me think of a quote by Yogi Berra. "It's dejavu all over again." :eek:
  7. muttly

    Gov Motors to bulit Trucks in CHINA

    We all know how much Obama likes China. Obama: Lets Make America More Like China : Stop The ACLU
  8. muttly

    A Conservative Manifesto....

    More like the 75 steelers(Levin) and the 08 Lions (Obama):D What does your other screen name think about that?
  9. muttly

    A Conservative Manifesto....

    Sexist in the extreme? Please give example . Haven't really noticed .
  10. muttly

    A Conservative Manifesto....

    Mostly style? That'e funny. He'll cut off a lib on his show primarily because they are usually talking a bunch of nonsense which he has heard thousands of time before. Money on Obama eh? funny. Would that debate be with teleprompter or not? Doesn't matter either way Levin would win.
  11. muttly

    The Senator of Sleaze who was a drunk sexual bully

    He apparently liked to hear jokes about the "incident".:mad:'One of his favorite topics of humor was Chappaquiddick' - Mark Hemingway - The Corner on National Review Online
  12. muttly

    Dying Democracy

    Good and maybe the door will hit him on the way out.:D
  13. muttly

    barry The LAST KENNEDY BROTHER!!!!

    He was elected president,not annointed.
  14. muttly

    barry is "backdooring" Talk Radio...

    Yeah right.:rolleyes: Harness the left wing talk? Hardly. They want to expand PBR. I guess they think those stations are "balanced" too.;)
  15. muttly


    That would be unacceptable.:mad:
  16. muttly

    Dems PLAN hundreds of Rallys for Healthcare Reform

    Yes I agree. Let this country flourish under a mostly free market capitialistic society with minimal interference and you'll see tremendous job growth. No other system comes close to lifting more people out of poverty, including minorities than capitalism.
  17. muttly

    Brett Favre... make up your mind!

    He's having a mid life crisis. Most athletes who have been successfull have gone through what Favre is experiencing. Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong,Joe Montana, the list is long. Athletes reach an age when the desire to compete wanes or the body takes too much wear and tear,plus the mudane...
  18. muttly

    The Next Sarah Palin?

    Sounds like an excellent candidate. Hope she wins,but it might not be easy. A lot of libs live in NewHampshire.
  19. muttly

    Palin goes after barry Again

    Drill baby Drill. Drill baby in Brazil. Hey that rhymes.:rolleyes:
  20. muttly

    Ted Kennedy wants law changed AGAIN.

    Kennedy should have been punished for what happened at Chappequidic,no doubt. Significant jail time.