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  1. muttly

    Health insurance companies receive intimidating letter from Congressmen.

    Newt Gingrich: Sopranos-style tactics in health care | Washington Examiner They should tell them to take a hike.:p
  2. muttly

    Bout time Kennedy and Kerry did somthing useful...

    Yes agree. This person was let out of jail because of compassion due to the fact he is dying of prostrate cancer. I think it is taking compassion way to far.
  3. muttly

    Ted Kennedy wants law changed AGAIN.

    Oh the hypocrisy.Hot Air Blog Archive Kennedy wants law changed in Massachusetts … again
  4. muttly

    Bout time Kennedy and Kerry did somthing useful...

    It's rediculous that this person was let out of jail.Victims' Families Decry Release of Lockerbie Bomber - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
  5. muttly

    Healthcare co-ops tried before in the USA

    I'm not sure what that means but will take it as a compliment Rocks. Thanks.
  6. muttly

    Healthcare co-ops tried before in the USA

    American Thinker Blog: Could co-ops be a Trojan Horse? Doesn't look like co-ops are the best way to go either.
  7. muttly

    another Screwup plan my barry.....

    Probably collected enough names already to keep them busy for awhile.:D
  8. muttly

    No Fairness Doctrine Needed.....

    Guess you'll have to figure things out on your own time Amigos.
  9. muttly

    No Fairness Doctrine Needed.....

  10. muttly

    No Fairness Doctrine Needed.....

    He has an original screen name? Shocked. :rolleyes: Had me completely fooled .;)
  11. muttly

    The Real health Care problem

    Sure you don't.;)
  12. muttly

    No Fairness Doctrine Needed.....

    We always fix em. It's against the law not to in this country.
  13. muttly

    No Fairness Doctrine Needed.....

    Scumsuckers? Such language from a so called Patriot.:rolleyes:
  14. muttly

    The Real health Care problem

    Worthless pieces of trash? Such language from a so called Patriot.
  15. muttly

    No Fairness Doctrine Needed.....

    Agree. No government MANDATED broadcasting either.
  16. muttly

    Read this very carefully

    I finally agreed with Hillary on something.:D :YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton
  17. muttly

    Tom Harkin doesn't know what capitalism means.

    Who elected this braniac?:rolleyes:Town Hall... Tom Harkin "Capitalism, whatever that means"
  18. muttly

    Watch Fox New tonight!!!!

    Yep. Listening simulcast on xm is the next best thing.
  19. muttly

    If Cash For Clunkers Is Successful, Freight Should Increase

    No one. He was just explaining freight he will haul and not haul.:confused:
  20. muttly

    Watch Fox New tonight!!!!

    Will do. Didn't know about the documentary until now . Will be watching closely. Go get em Hannity!:D