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  1. muttly

    If Cash For Clunkers Is Successful, Freight Should Increase

    Possibly delusional gotcha moment but just speculation as well.
  2. muttly

    If Cash For Clunkers Is Successful, Freight Should Increase

    Yes . Chef is right. This program is only stealing or moving up sales that there would have been down the road.
  3. muttly

    If Cash For Clunkers Is Successful, Freight Should Increase

    On second thought auto freight is some cheap arse freight. I might just say no.:p
  4. muttly

    If Cash For Clunkers Is Successful, Freight Should Increase

    Yes I would support that gov. program. But just like the car clunkers that are turned in and not driven again. The politicians that leave office should not be able to ever return to politics.:D
  5. muttly

    not a pip from you guys

    Don't want to be accused of being a racist.:rolleyes:
  6. muttly

    A Must See...

    He wants us to blindly follow,(see no evil) shut up, (speak no evil) and make us want to cover our ears.(hear no evil):eek:
  7. muttly

    If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny...

    What comes after trillion? Quadrillion.:eek:
  8. muttly

    Job Growth Lacking in the Private Sector

    So true. The government needs to get out of the way and let the private sector keep more of their money and and let capitalism flourish in this country once again.
  9. muttly

    Sarah Palin's still the future...

    Mindless jerk? Kind have lumped a whole lot of people on that one. I guess all the smart intellectuals that voted for Obama still want to defend what a great job he has done and all the extra debt he has put on this country that our children and our grandchildren and their children and their...
  10. muttly

    Sarah Palin's still the future...

    I guess it's your choice to call someone a quitter because they leave a position. Using that criteria isn't Obama, Kathleen Sibelius, Janet Napolitano, Rahm Emanuel, Bill Clinton, quitters as well?All of the above listed were sworn in as senator,governors,and representative to serve the people...
  11. muttly

    Freedom of Speech...Who Will Be The One??

    He actually said "get in their face" That is funny.:D
  12. muttly

    Cash for Clunkers.. hurts the little guy..

    Could have sworn I used to hear that children and grandchildren sentence from the dems all the time when Bush was in office.;)
  13. muttly

    Cash for Clunkers.. hurts the little guy..

    Has not the auto industry received enough of tax payer money already? The dems need to stop spending so much of taxpayer money.