Quote by Stalin


Expert Expediter
I think it was Stalin who once said something like this " When you control the hearts and minds of youth, you can control the whole nation." I read it along time ago, and for some reason I copied the statement and saved it in my stack of stuff in box somewhere............my old mind fails me sometimes..it must of been 15 or more years ago I read that, but it really struck me as being relevant. P.S. my favorite critter when I was a kid was Curious George.........


Veteran Expediter
I can't find anything like that for Stalin. But Hitler wrote the following:

"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future."

and these - a little off topic, but prophetic, nonetheless:

"The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention." (sound like Saul Alinski?)

"Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction."

"What good fortune for governments that the people do not think."
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Veteran Expediter
I couldn't find the quote you posted...and if you are like me, you probably don't have toe words exactly right...lol, yea our older brains rnemeber some things, but just not in the proper order.. but when i went looking in the folder i have on stalin and lenin, i came across something that does show what that quote was about and the influence it had :

This was written TO Stalin as part of a message from the Fifteenth Anniversary Celebration of the Leninist League of Young Communists (the five million Comsomols), it certainly shows the loyality of the youth....

"In our greetings to you we wish to express the warm love and profound respect for you, our teacher and leader, cherished in the minds and hearts of the Leninist Comsomols and the entire youth of our country... We give you, beloved friend, teacher and leader, the word of young Bolsheviks to continue as an unshakable shock-detachment in the struggle for a classless socialist society. We swear to stimulate the creative energy and enthusiasm of the youth for the mastery of technique and science and in the struggle for Bolshevik collective farms and for a prosperous collective farm life. We swear to hold high the banner of Leninist internationalism, fearlessly to fight for the elimination of exploitation of man by man, for the world proletarian revolution.

"We swear to continue to be the most devoted aids to our beloved Party. We swear with even more determination to strengthen our proletarian dictatorship, to strengthen the defence of the socialist fatherland, to train hundreds of thousands of new exemplary fighters, super-sharp-shooters, fearless aviators, daring sailors, tank operators and artillery corps, who will master their military technique to perfection. We swear that we shall work to make the glorious traditions of Bolshevism part of our flesh and blood. We swear to be worthy sons and daughters of the Communist Party. The Leninist Comsomol takes pride in the fact that under the banner of Lenin, the toiling youth of the country which is building socialism has the good fortune freely to live, fight and triumph together with you and under your leadership."

Then you can come to the U.S. and find this:



Veteran Expediter
Stalin said or supposedly said a lot of things. He wasn't too interested in youth programs and such, but Lenin was.

It is more like what Lenin would say..... But I think it goes back to sometime before Lenin.


Veteran Expediter
You're right, Greg. Lenin wrote the following about brainwashing the youth:

"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."

"Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever."

But I disagree on Stalin not focusing on the youth. You have only to look at Pavlik Morozov. The children were taught that it was ok to snitch on their parents. Young Pavlik did so because his father hid some wheat from the government collectors, for his family. Pavlik's parents were arrested and killed. Pavlik's uncle killed him, and in return was killed. The story was used as a national brainwashing for children, and Pavlik was martyred as the ultimate role model for the youth. Parents were terrified when their children spoke of Pavlik.


Veteran Expediter
I didn't say he didn't focus on the youth, I said he wasn't too interested in youth programs along the lines of the hitler youth.

In face he took advantage of a number of situations where he had photo ops with children, some he went out of his way to get a photo op.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I think it was Stalin who once said something like this " When you control the hearts and minds of youth, you can control the whole nation." I read it along time ago, and for some reason I copied the statement and saved it in my stack of stuff in box somewhere............my old mind fails me sometimes..it must of been 15 or more years ago I read that, but it really struck me as being relevant. P.S. my favorite critter when I was a kid was Curious George.........

It is relevant. It also made me think of a quote by Yogi Berra. "It's dejavu all over again." :eek: