Ted Kennedy wants law changed AGAIN.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Kennedy is a worthless murderer who should have spent the last 40 years in prison rather than the Senate. Of course he wants things only the democrat way. Democrats are even worse than Republicans for being unfair and one-sided. I can't remember the name of that worthless piece of garbage comedienne/actress who wished Rush's kidney's would fail or some such but based on her ideology maybe Teddy's cancer will hit stage 6 tomorrow after lunch.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
So, LDB, in your world, there is no redemption, or forgiveness? Ever? Under no circumstances? In your world, I am still a worthless piece of garbage, trapped in the disease of alcoholism? It doesn't matter that I haven't had an alcoholic drink in over 22 years, right? I'm incorrigible.


"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."


Veteran Expediter
alcoholism needs no forgiveness, ill give you the benefit that it is a diease, it would be your actions while active as an alcoholic that you might need forgiveness for...if you murdered someone and got away with it...nope no forgiveness, just as kennedy gets none...he can only hope his God forgives him....

As for him wanting this law changed, he is the one that wanted it changed when kerry ran for pres...its nothing but politics....more b/s...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Kennedy should have been punished for what happened at Chappequidic,no doubt. Significant jail time.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If you drowned a pregnant girl and disappeared for several hours afterward and never were held accountable then you are the same as Kennedy. Otherwise don't consider my statement to be a universal blanketing statement.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Ted Kennedy is a disgusting example of a human being. By the way Freighchaser, forgiveness is NOT something just handed out like candy. A person who is not repentant in his life does not deserve forgiveness. Kenndy RAN AWAY and hid to avoid taking responsibility for his actions. He has NEVER taken that responsibility. He is not WORTHY of forgiveness.


Veteran Expediter
Ted Kennedy is a disgusting example of a human being. By the way Freighchaser, forgiveness is NOT something just handed out like candy. A person who is not repentant in his life does not deserve forgiveness. Kenndy RAN AWAY and hid to avoid taking responsibility for his actions. He has NEVER taken that responsibility. He is not WORTHY of forgiveness.

Very good point . Kennedy's actions were deliberate and inexcusable . He will be held accountable .


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
HEY, Think Kennedy will be picking up obumer at the airport?? He knows all the short cut's to the obumer VACATION crib!! Heads UP on the bridges!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Maybe we can get Wanda Sykes to wish Kennedy does the driving. She's good at that sort of thing even if she's worthless otherwise.