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  1. ysracer

    February at Team Crossroads Express

    I get some other weird stuff. All my doors have locked when I start the engine, and they've all unlocked when the engine is shut off. Until yesterday.... Now all but the driver's door locks/unlocks. The weird part is that, according to the manual, this new behavior is how it's supposed to...
  2. ysracer

    February at Team Crossroads Express

    I don't get that, what with German engineering and all... :taunt2:
  3. ysracer

    February 2016 locations

    Whoa, tell me more about this new math. I can't get .85 in that example no matter what I try, always .788. Kids today...... :fishing:
  4. ysracer

    February 2016 locations

    Not if its 500 mi in and 1200 out...
  5. ysracer

    February at Team Crossroads Express

    I'm coming to take your place. 40 mi east of St Louis. Watch for me and wave. :smiley_driving:
  6. ysracer

    February 2016 locations

    I'm on KY side. :sup:
  7. ysracer

    January 2016

    :JC_goodpost::yum::yum::yum: ______________
  8. ysracer

    Mechanical oil

    I say ask FlyingVan what "without issue" means...
  9. ysracer

    Mechanical oil

    T1N does not have DPF. No need for low ash oil. Rotella T6 does not claim compliance with the Mercedes specification for the 2.7 litre engine but, is a very good oil that many people use without issue. Same can be said for the white bottle non-synthetic Rotella. That, however, is a 15W-40...
  10. ysracer

    Home of the whopper

    Heritage Foundation Launching (Yet Another) Right-Wing News Site So, who is the heritage foundation ? Surprise, surprise...... "The Heritage Foundation has received funding from organizations with connections to the Koch brothers. In 2012, the Heritage Foundation received $650,000 from the...
  11. ysracer

    The Trump Card...

    Black is not white, up is not down, except for Republicans: Want A Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat! Personal disposable income has grown nearly 6 times more under Democratic presidents Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown 7 times more under Democratic presidents Corporate profits...
  12. ysracer

    January 2016

    Hop you both succeed !!
  13. ysracer

    January 2016

    "Yinz (aka Yinz) are the epitome of excellence." Fixed it for ya'. :googleit:
  14. ysracer

    Health Insurance

    As most are ...
  15. ysracer

    Health Insurance

    As does the bazillions wasted on military spending, corporate tax dodging, Wall St corruption, and on and on. So why is the one thing critical to citizens of society singled out for outrage ? Insert my whine comment here _________. :D
  16. ysracer

    Health Insurance

    My last comment was not directed at Xiggi.
  17. ysracer

    Health Insurance

    Both. The first year I bought a Gold plan. Second year I discovered that the Silver plans, for self employed like us qualifying for tax credits, offer better coverage, reduced deductible/max out-of-pocket costs, and, of course, a lower premium. So, there's that. But, again, if you line up all...
  18. ysracer

    Health Insurance

    Nothing new there.... Have you compared all available plans ? Sometimes you have to go with a different provider if you want the best deal, same as any other consumer purchase. Employers change plans and providers all the time to minimize cost, have for years. My premium has gone down...