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  1. ysracer

    Health Insurance

    Obamacare has been good for the economy
  2. ysracer

    April has sprung!

    I blame Bill. He took back his rabbit's foot. :hissyfit:
  3. ysracer

    April has sprung!

    That's what I thought before the last one resulted in 7 days without a load.
  4. ysracer

    April @ Crossroads Express!!

    I act like Gilligan...
  5. ysracer

    April @ Crossroads Express!!

  6. ysracer

    April @ Crossroads Express!!

    Thanks be to Bill ! :givemechocolate: BTW, OVM, I got a load from Shreveport the other day. :taunt2:
  7. ysracer

    Low prices are killing this month!ppl bending over like crazy!

    So, FlyingVan will be known henceforth as ScaredStraight ?
  8. ysracer

    April @ Crossroads Express!!

    Only way to do that is to spill the beans to the rest of us what Bill G's secret is, or where he's hiding that rabbit's foot.
  9. ysracer

    April has sprung!

    Nice !
  10. ysracer

    March - big money, big money - no whammys!!!

    Somebody call me ? :t6337:
  11. ysracer

    Sad News

    Sorry for your loss, Rich. :pensive:
  12. ysracer

    Ford Vs Ram

    What can't flex sometimes cracks. Buildings flex, bridges flex, big trucks that go off-road flex. Not smart enough to know if Ford does it that way intentionally. That scenario is not very likely in use, at any rate. On the other hand, no flex is a big plus for suspension tuning, feel, etc..
  13. ysracer

    NC State Warning Speeders

    Spot on. I do not understand why so many people are fixated on what is behind them. And yet are completely oblivious to keep right except to pass laws/common sense and courtesy to get out of the way of faster traffic.
  14. ysracer

    Low prices are killing this month!ppl bending over like crazy!

    Careful, they frequently don't fit correctly or have balance problems. Local shop affiliated with Doktor A will not use them after repeated failed attempts. When I needed one last year I called them. Found out they source them from a company in VA. They admitted they had experienced some...
  15. ysracer

    March 2016, where are you going ??

    Just knock the window out, then you can get a good hold of the door ... :JC_rimshot: :j/k: