Search results

  1. ysracer

    Best option to get good medical insurance - I'm not an O/O

    You have other income, right ? Every business benefit costs somebody else money, this is just one of them. And it's the way group health insurance has always worked. Now, the individual shopper is part of a much larger group. I will not be made to feel badly about using it. I've paid...
  2. ysracer

    Best option to get good medical insurance - I'm not an O/O

    One. More. Time. $2600.00 max out of pocket & $350.00 ish premium before tax credits $500.00 max out of pocket & $67.00 premium after tax credits applied Shared Cost Blue PPO
  3. ysracer

    Best option to get good medical insurance - I'm not an O/O

    Highmark in western PA. The plan has a nominal $2600.00/yr out of pocket max and a nominal premium of ~$350.00/month before tax credits are applied. So I really don't get all the sky is falling Obamacare blame. $2600.00 out of pocket per year is lower than most employer provided plans and...
  4. ysracer

    Best option to get good medical insurance - I'm not an O/O

    Completely opposite experience here. Nationwide coverage (Blue Cross/Blue Shield), $10.00 pcp co-pay, $20.00 specialist, $0.00 emergency room, $500.00 out of pocket yearly maximum, very good prescription coverage, "extremely" affordable monthly premium. Yes, I benefit like we all do from tax...
  5. ysracer

    Iran wins

  6. ysracer

    The good old days
  7. ysracer

    Letterman top 10

    Do you know that he doesn't vote republic ?
  8. ysracer

    Iran wins
  9. ysracer

    The State of Hate

    You mean the article ? :) "Historian Thomas Frank linked the Times to the modern American conservative movement, saying: There is even a daily newspaper—the Washington Times—published strictly for the movement's benefit, a propaganda sheet whose distortions are so obvious and so alien that...
  10. ysracer

    The State of Hate

    Note to self, never engage Cheri1122 in a debate. :kiss: :joyful:
  11. ysracer

    Pets In Trucks!!!

    Has anyone had an issue entering Florida at their inspection stations ? Asked for health certificate, proof of vaccinations ?
  12. ysracer

    The State of Hate

    Its still OK if their priest is gay, though, right ? :Do_O
  13. ysracer

    Fox News most trusted.

    Jon Stewart Brilliantly Shreds Fox News Over Its Benghazi 'Rage-gasm'
  14. ysracer

    Hello March, where ya at

    What are you painting it with ?
  15. ysracer

    Deadline for signing up for health insurance is February 15th.

    You're pointing the wrong way. God and country, eh ? You funny, Indy !
  16. ysracer

    Deadline for signing up for health insurance is February 15th.

    Although it wasn't directed to you... Ysracer: "Or, perhaps, you want nothing to do with any sort of cooperative society." Pilgrim: "Maybe that's the case in a nutshell." Ysracer: "Well, good luck, then. It's roughly 7 billion against one... " Population of earth = roughly 7 billion...
  17. ysracer

    Deadline for signing up for health insurance is February 15th.

    Way to miss the point !
  18. ysracer

    Deadline for signing up for health insurance is February 15th.

    Well, good luck, then. It's roughly 7 billion against one... ;)
  19. ysracer

    Deadline for signing up for health insurance is February 15th.

    You can enter any amount you estimate your income to be. I have no idea what happens when it's found to be lower than estimated to that degree. Medicaid ?