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  1. ysracer

    Do you have a breaker bar?

    Just get this, 1100 lb/ft of torque !!
  2. ysracer

    Do we know who this is?
  3. ysracer

    Do we know who this is?
  4. ysracer

    Do we know who this is?

    Noticing the red oak interior panels, may be one of Westmicher's drivers ...
  5. ysracer

    Do we know who this is?
  6. ysracer

    Promaster engine noise 3.6

    Glad to hear they covered most of the damage. They screwed me not once, but twice, on remanufactured $printer engines.
  7. ysracer

    Promaster engine noise 3.6

    Fixed it for ya'. ;)
  8. ysracer

    Israeli vs US leadership
  9. ysracer

    Don't Mess With Texas: Part Deux

    Textbook example ...
  10. ysracer

    Don't Mess With Texas: Part Deux

    You've read the book, then ?
  11. ysracer

    Don't Mess With Texas: Part Deux

    Negative, missed his target audience you say ? ...
  12. ysracer

    Don't Mess With Texas: Part Deux

    A book by Charles Pierce, titled "Idiot America, How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free" explains a lot about what we see all around us...
  13. ysracer

    Baltimore Rioting, Looting OK According to Mayor

    I might suggest reading this... :
  14. ysracer

    Baltimore Rioting, Looting OK According to Mayor

    Her position sounds pretty reasonable to me.
  15. ysracer

    Baltimore Rioting, Looting OK According to Mayor
  16. ysracer

    Baltimore Rioting, Looting OK According to Mayor

    As is typical, pertinent facts not included that don't fit the pre-packaged position: "Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake vetoed the bill, but supports the use of wearable cameras. In fact, Rawlings-Blake submitted her own proposal for a wearable camera program in February. Rawlings-Blake cited...
  17. ysracer

    Best option to get good medical insurance - I'm not an O/O

    That is my policy. I copied/pasted from my account @ I don't believe you could view that, exactly, unless you had purchased, exactly, the coverage I purchased, with the subsidy I get. I would suggest you call Highmark @ 1.888.510.1084 or see I doubt it will...
  18. ysracer

    Best option to get good medical insurance - I'm not an O/O

    Here: Highmark Inc. Shared Cost Blue PPO 2650 a Community Blue Flex Plan PPO Silver Reduced costs National provider network ENROLL Monthly premium $67.90/mo. was $340.90 Deductible $100 Out-of-pocket maximum $500 Copayments / Coinsurance $5 Primary doctor $10 Specialist doctor $8...
  19. ysracer

    Best option to get good medical insurance - I'm not an O/O

    Individual, thru the Marketplace.