The FECC truck in the top photo was at PJ's in canton 2 days ago. That has got to be the strangest looking freight box in the fleet,side doors on both sides of it.
They couldn't even place the Fedex decal on the drivers side of the box in the correct location because of the side door.:confused:
I'm just sayin,when the wimmen are all sittin around discussin' what wondrous things that they are cookin' in the truck,the men are moving back and forth from one truck to another discussin' what they have done and what they wanna do to the truck.
And besides,that takes care of your...
Hmmm,let's see.Approx. 60-70 steaks,2-3 kegs of beer (it don't gotta be the high priced stuff) 150 # of ice, about 25 chairs,portable stereo system.....that oughtta get the party stated.:D
P.S.,It ain't cool to come to an expo in your POV.
While I think it is a great idea,it is already too late for me.
According to the secratary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitono,I already am a national threat because I am a veteran.:mad:
Methinks that they are the richest "vannies" in America. OVM even has a crystal ball and a ouija board to make sure that he is always perfectly placed to get the loads. (are you listening Steady Eddie? );)
Kind of makes ya wonder what's gonna happen next,maybe the Spam mobile mowing down a row of mailboxes.:D
And yes there is a Spam mobile,actually a whole fleet of them.