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  1. greg334

    Sleep patterns...

    This is why I like HOS, I have to get sleep and not be an idiot by driving on four hours in a 48 hour period.
  2. greg334

    Obama: Iraq War Over, Troops to Leave by Year's End

    Again what war? We are either fighting the country or not - so I assume that there is no war and the use of the word is a dumbed down saying to appease those people who can't tell the difference or know how to figure it out. There was a war in Germany when we fought the Germans but when they...
  3. greg334

    Car Company Gets U.S. Loan, Builds Cars In Finland

    Steam engines are still being used.
  4. greg334

    Manning the Border.

    Well too bad about that, but the law is the law. I suggest next time your friend has a problem with fruit rotting on the vine and wants someone to take them for free, tell me I will have my truck and a crew down there in a day or two.
  5. greg334

    Manufacturing Jobs to Shift from China to US, Report Says

    You know what Joe, if you get to a walmart, go to their electronic section where they have those tvs and look at the nook and kindle ereader (check out the iPad too), they use a different form of display that I know helps people see a bit better than these LCD screens. It is like a book but not...
  6. greg334

    Obama: Iraq War Over, Troops to Leave by Year's End

    So how would we handle Iran? We wouldn't invade, we would not do much of anything and in reality we couldn't do much for a lot of reasons. I think we need to look at ourselves as not the protector of any one country but as just a country. Our national interests may be in oil but so is the...
  7. greg334

    Manning the Border.

    Actually Dennis, this is what the eminent domain clause was written for - we have a border issue with no way to use troops on private property without permission and some ranchers do not want them there so one mile from the border into the country we build a real border and patrol it.
  8. greg334

    Manufacturing Jobs to Shift from China to US, Report Says

    Well I think monroe has the ebook/books on tape thing and you don't need to go to the library but grab them online. They won't work after a specific date, like an return date so it isn't bad at all.
  9. greg334

    Manufacturing Jobs to Shift from China to US, Report Says

    Well just go to the library's site and see, I think most libraries are hooked up somehow. Unless you live in a place where they have the lending library, general store and the post office all in one place and the guy who runs all of them is named Sam.
  10. greg334

    Light Truck Diesel Engines

    Well it is exactly what I said, the US manufacturer has a stake in the green market while the non-US manufacturer (VW, Mercedes and even BMW) does not. They dropped it for the same reason they continued their LPG cars, the incentive for California buyers (a major market for Honda) are too...
  11. greg334

    Tire pressure gauges

    What ever gauge you get, see if you can check it against another gauge with known accuracy. Not all digital gauges are accurate.
  12. greg334

    Manufacturing Jobs to Shift from China to US, Report Says

    Do you use a GPS system? if you do, you can figure out how to get the file from the library onto your computer.
  13. greg334

    Manning the Border.

    Actually this can be changed by making a one mile wide strip of land from the the shores in Texas to San Diego and designating it a military zone. We do this for our bases, where deployment of troops are done regularly.
  14. greg334

    Obama: Iraq War Over, Troops to Leave by Year's End

    I seem to think that we are actually really dumb people in this country to buy into this great piece of news, WE are not at war with Iraq and haven't been since it became a new country so what war is over?
  15. greg334

    Canada Cross Border Straight Trucks!!

    Because we are busy.
  16. greg334

    Obama: Iraq War Over, Troops to Leave by Year's End

    I have a job for every one of them and happy to pay them to do their job. We have a border that needs to be built and guarded, a perfect job for those who have served in combat.
  17. greg334

    Manufacturing Jobs to Shift from China to US, Report Says

    Well NOPE won't give you an overview BUT I will recommend something - books on tape. It is too long to explain all of it and I am tired of explaining things to people - sorry. If your library is a participant in one of the audio book programs they have here, then see if you can get it from...
  18. greg334

    Trump on Gadhafi death: ‘Big deal. What do we get out of it?’

    Actually we did, and furthermore it was the policy of the country to follow the UN mandate to change the government when it is possible. What happened was the objection of the French and Germans over the issue. They didn't want us there to discover their involvement with Saddam and the Oil for...
  19. greg334

    Obama: Iraq War Over, Troops to Leave by Year's End

    Learn the history first before you make that claim. It has been going on for decades, not just starting out. It has formed to include us when we became a part of the UN and made decisions that forced one country into accepting another's needs or demands. Yes and? If we are not there, then we...