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  1. greg334

    Hours of Service Guide

    Ah... ok I guess that Obama can sign things into regulations that are not laws?
  2. greg334

    TN To Fight Terrorism Statewide.....

    So Tennessee is taking the place of the feds? Maybe they need to focus on the growing population of invaders in the eastern part of their state and the crime that rivals Detroit in Memphis first? What happens when a new president and maybe a new congress cuts funding for these programs? Has...
  3. greg334

    Light Truck Diesel Engines

    Their the same as the previous generation of engines. The potential is and will always depend on the same factors while the risk is always there due to the owner and how they treat their vehicle.
  4. greg334

    Health Insurance - FDCC

    Wow Phil and Linda, what's next - OVM and Juju? Sort of wrong there Ken, I won't get into it but the state they operate at already has said this is sort of a no no.
  5. greg334

    5 Things You Think Work, But Actually Don’t

    AND? Where are the rest?
  6. greg334

    Proposing A 10% Solution

    So we would have four people who can post and everyone else could sit and watch? Once upon a time there was someone who proposed a system where we would edit posts that have become off topic or didn't go the way the OP wanted them to. I fought that idea, made a few enemies over it, but I...
  7. greg334

    1st Mexican truck to enter US interior within days

    What? Take us out of a treaty? Nope, would not happen and if you think it mattered, then you need to actually learn what it is all about. The open border issue has been around since we were an established country, and it is not proof of any Obama issue but that of every president and...
  8. greg334

    Hours of Service Guide

    Thanks for the link, I bet a bunch would be helped by that info.
  9. greg334

    Maybe I should be a Ford guy?

    I can't see the transit coming here and replacing the sprinter for a long time - they missed their window of opportunity. By the way, you may not believe this but it may not have a diesel for the NA market until maybe 2015.
  10. greg334

    The people you meet...

    Kilts are trendy and expensive.
  11. greg334

    No way out of this financial mess?

    You know this may be news now but it was also news in 1995 when we were seeing problems with the banks holding assets and derivatives that were too risky but more importantly is the fact that there is much more of this on the bank's off balance sheet ledgers. The issue popped up in 1985 and 86...
  12. greg334

    Raise the Roof: Housing Starts Shot Up 15% in September

    There is something about the number being presented at this time. Did anyone take a look at the major home builders at the same time?
  13. greg334

    Proposing A 10% Solution

    I think a few of us earned a little bit more than just the ability to post in some places.
  14. greg334

    1st Mexican truck to enter US interior within days

    I'm puzzled ... well maybe tired from all the work I did for the last two day but where is this a constitutional issue? I must remind those who think that this is an Obama thing - go ask Newt why he helped pass NAFTA and while you are at it, ask Romney and Perry in between their arguments what...
  15. greg334

    Obama, things are setting up sweet for hie re-election

    You know that some finally get it. I heard a number of people complaining about the jobs thing the other day. Pretty much they said - First you have displaced auto workers who get to be put ahead of the job hiring line. Then you have retraining for those who lost their jobs by the trade...
  16. greg334

    Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi is dead

    Now what? I mean for those who seem to cheer this on, I guess you also like to see foreign aid given to another country who we really don't know a thing about or be the main source of money for an operation that should have been on the backs of those who actually benefited from it - the...
  17. greg334

    Maybe I should be a Ford guy?

    Good news? Yep but don't count Ford as one who didn't take government money, they did.
  18. greg334

    Trucker Beaten, Load Hijacked, Truck Burned

    Meaning that if we are to sign a treaty allowing Mexican trucks here, the regulations do not actually mean much. They may have to be changed to fit the treaty - one example is english and another is EOBRs.