Manning the Border.


Veteran Expediter
I know a lot of people will weigh in on this but just have an idea and see what you think.

They want to spend millions of dollars to build a fence on the border, what if.
Each state has National Guard bases scattered over each state. Why not build one base for each state close to the Mexican border with the money they are spending on the fence. Whenever each guard unit goes for their annual training they can train on the board doing two jobs at once. With all the units going at differant times of the year the border will be manned all the times. The Feds pay for most of the National Guard through the states budget so why not kill two birds with one stone.
Sound to simple??


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I moved this here. Seemed like it fit better. Hope you don't mind.

That job is a job for the regular army. The Border Patrol should be disbanded. Customs can handle the rest.


Veteran Expediter
I moved this here. Seemed like it fit better. Hope you don't mind.

That job is a job for the regular army. The Border Patrol should be disbanded. Customs can handle the rest.

No biggee. Regular Army cannot patrol within the confines of the US. Federal law. Only National Guard can be used.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No biggee. Regular Army cannot patrol within the confines of the US. Federal law. Only National Guard can be used.

I thought, could be wrong, they could not be used for law enforcement against US citizens. Border security is a Federal responsibility. That is why I suggested the Army handle it. Either way, we had better do something soon, or people are going to take care of it themselves.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I want that job! I will even build my own "tower". I pick the border with Canada. I will build MY tower on the "Banana Dike". Lost of drug/human smugglers come in through those marshes down there. I will even supply my own ammo! :p


Veteran Expediter
No biggee. Regular Army cannot patrol within the confines of the US. Federal law. Only National Guard can be used.

Actually this can be changed by making a one mile wide strip of land from the the shores in Texas to San Diego and designating it a military zone. We do this for our bases, where deployment of troops are done regularly.


Veteran Expediter
greg wrote:

Actually this can be changed by making a one mile wide strip of land from the the shores in Texas to San Diego and designating it a military zone. We do this for our bases, where deployment of troops are done regularly.

yeap,no problem or issue with private property right...government seizure of private property is what they came up with "eminent domain" laws for...:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
yeap,no problem or issue with private property right...government seizure of private property is what they came up with "eminent domain" laws for...:rolleyes:

Actually Dennis, this is what the eminent domain clause was written for - we have a border issue with no way to use troops on private property without permission and some ranchers do not want them there so one mile from the border into the country we build a real border and patrol it.


Veteran Expediter
Actually this can be changed by making a one mile wide strip of land from the the shores in Texas to San Diego and designating it a military zone. We do this for our bases, where deployment of troops are done regularly.

Yeh that would work. The only place troops can arrest anybody is on federal land like a base. It is unlawful for even the President to mobilize federal troops inside the US borders, that's why we have the National Guard. That's also why you never see (other than NG) responding to Huricanes and such.
You've probably heard that O'bama wanted to build a national police force, that's why, can't use troops. That got shot down anyway.
I still wonder if they stop all the people from jumping the border, who's going to pick our crops so we can eat?? I have friends who own farms and cannot get people to pick produce at $9 an hour because of the 90 wk unemployment checks and drugs. The ones that show up are high and the one's on unemployment don't bother to show up. One friend manages a 6,000 acres produce and he never gets all the crops in. He had about 500 acres of Tomatoes this summer when the tomatoe shortage hit. He could not get people to pick so he told people he would give away whatever they wanted. They would not even pick them for themselves free. I mean we are in big trouble.:eek:


Veteran Expediter
Every one here is so right.Here in Alabama where the new immigration law went into effect, there has been people gripping because they couldn't get crops in this year.they always had
immigrants to come into pick but not this time.

but back on topic, if the people would quit hollering about the RIGHTS of the hoppers it would be better.just goes to show that they do a lot of jobs that alot of others won't do also.


Veteran Expediter
Well too bad about that, but the law is the law.

I suggest next time your friend has a problem with fruit rotting on the vine and wants someone to take them for free, tell me I will have my truck and a crew down there in a day or two.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Every one here is so right.Here in Alabama where the new immigration law went into effect, there has been people gripping because they couldn't get crops in this year.they always had
immigrants to come into pick but not this time.

but back on topic, if the people would quit hollering about the RIGHTS of the hoppers it would be better.just goes to show that they do a lot of jobs that alot of others won't do also.

No problem, pick the crops or lose your welfare. Work is work. Problem solved. When the harvest is over they can go back on the take. At least it would save us SOME money.