Trump on Gadhafi death: ‘Big deal. What do we get out of it?’


Veteran Expediter
1. Most importantly, we did not have the backing of the U.N. to go into Iraq. Do not get me wrong, I'm not saying that we needed it, but it is a major difference between the two.

Actually we did, and furthermore it was the policy of the country to follow the UN mandate to change the government when it is possible.

What happened was the objection of the French and Germans over the issue. They didn't want us there to discover their involvement with Saddam and the Oil for Food scandal or did we all forget about this.

2. France, Italy, Europe and the U.N. sanctioned our involvement in Lybia.


I don't see their reasoning as legitimate but the only reason I can see is revenge and stabilizing their oil sources.

I think we should have said "well because France and Germany wasn't involved with Iraq, we are going to sit this one out. Oh and by the way, we are out of NATO"

3. We didn't put any boots on the ground in Lybia. 9 years occupying Iraq.

Great, but we spent money on it for no real reason. It wasn't the Germans, the Brits or France for that matter who provided the intel or the ammunition for the operation. When France could not re-arm their planes because they ran out of air to surface missiles, we stepped up and handed them a bunch.

4. Lybia = 1 billion dollars, Iraq = over 4400 American lives and 1 trillion dollars.

Well I would like to see Libya = 0 dollars. Can't do anything about Iraq other then to oppose the next time this happens.


Veteran Expediter
I was more or less looking at the fact that Iraq cost us over 4400 American live at a cost of nearly a trillion dollars.

Civil War? The Lybian people were already engaged in a civil war and the region was becoming more and more destablilized, that's why we got involved in the first place. Like layout mentioned, France, Italy and Europe requested our help. Remember when most, if not all, of the GOP members were lambasting our President for "leading from behind"?

Remember "Mission Accomplished"? We have no idea what the future holds but we do know there are terrorists involved in this. I hope this turns out for the best because as much as I dislike Obama I sure don't want to see him look bad because a war costs thousands of lives.

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Veteran Expediter
Greg Ur right we should have left Sadam alone. Far as France, Germany, Spain, Italy go they hated us for getting involved like we did. Run Sadam outa K was one thing. But we should just left him alone. We put him in power under Regan. He did do his job for the most part kept Iran at Bay. & Far as Kadoffee goes well actualy he was a farmer back 30 plus years ago. Big deal. France Germany Spain & Italy think we Americans are Piggs. You dont here it in the Media but be in the Service and go to them countries. The People will tell it to your face your American Pig. No Liken USA. In any case we ought to keep our money here and put it to good use for the people in this country, invest in our System Medical for our Senior Citzens, Ect Give them a raise in their S&S. For our Children invest in their education with the money let all the kids go to College, Free Grants vice sending it over Seas. Sounds to good to be, well not realy as if were going to have a trillions of dollar defecete to what give it to those countries, I should say NO. If we can afford to give borrowed money to other countries we can more than afford to keep it here and invest in people and programs. Personaly I could give a rats U know what about those other countries. They sure dont give a care about us and thats the truth. Only want the money thats all. Libya, Iraq, and the like dont need any money any way. We do got a Dobberman Pincher over there maybe its time to release the hounds so to speak I am sure Isreal would love to take bite outa Iran and a few others to boot. All we would have to do is sit back and watch. Popcorn Peanuts Hotdogs anybody. But then again politics is politics So American Citizans once again will take a back seat to foreign aid. I should hope this NOT be the case but sadly it seems it is. On one last note T is right about 2009 and Iran it would be a total different country today. Now the Kadoffee is gone look at Libya and the new regieum, if we would have played our hand right instead of giving hand outs we might have gotten a sizeabe hand out in the form of Black Gold Texas Tea OIL. But never less that never happened and wont most likely.
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