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  1. B

    Liar, Cheat, Fool

    Times are hard for many right now. With that said they are reaching a boiling point, thus is the reality that is being posted. Attitude, its your own choice. Attitude is how one is viewed in every element of ones life, ever noticed successfull people generally hold a positive one?
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    Personal Pride/Grooming Habits

    Van Drivers have a more difficult time taking showers etc.. Than C D E units. Thats a given. But I ask this question spending $9.00 every three or four days is this asking to much? Are the dollars so tight in this business that one cannot afford the luxury of hot or cold running water to...
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    Onboard showers

    50 gallons, free. Choose your Fueling stations wisley. I am very satisfied with the facilities and not having to hang a wet towell in my truck to dry. Remember one thing everything man made, is gona break sooner or later. I am really tired of fixing STUFF, or maintaining STUFF. Just another...
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    Trickin' The Sprinter

    Congrats on such a well informed Post. I do not own a Sprinter, ever thinking of getting in a D unit please do me a favor and buy a T-300 as I could use your guidance.
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    Is this total madness?

    Religion, Greg very touchy subject. This so called Baptist is just hidding behind the screen the same way Jessie J. and others do to promote there own agenda and not the speakings or writings of the Bible. There is another case of a Baptist trouble maker. Baptist, Protestant, Catholoic makes...
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    This is too good Part 2

    She could have stopped VT madman as well if she or someone just like her was only there. Opps she would have needed a weapon, but since that was outlawed to protect people YOU GET TO PUT THE REST OF THE STORY TOGETHER.
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    Sheryl Crow's touring requirements...

    No WONDER Mr. Armstrong left her. Could you live with her?
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    Bentz Sleeper

    Simon, Dave, I agree with. Could it be better, sure if you put yourself comparing things to a Mercedes. Overall dollar for dollar a Bentz dealivers quality for every cent delivered. In other words its a great value for the $. Mine is 2 and half years old, some repairs have been done. Over...
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    wat's going on!!!!!!!!

    So whats your business plan for the future if it stays slow? Payments, insurance, expenses, plus all of the boredom? A working man/woman not working does not = a happy man/woman.
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    Mexican Trucks not needed on U.S. Roads

    Here is the Hot Line to the White House, PLEASE CALL tell them about the Training these drivers have down there in Mexico, Insurance, Back ground checks, Driving Records. Let Mr. Busch know how you feel. 202 456 1414 The more calls well. It is your future ya gona leave it up to just me?
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    Lifes Mottos what a nice Post

    I will make this short as I can without boaring youall to death, this is sad a very sad story. Last year I remembered I had some nieghbors who moved to Phoenix. The oldest daughter Tina was in the same grade as me and Trisha was two grades lower. They moved between the summer of Junior and...
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    What's the greatest guitar solo of all time?

    Know one posted Stevie Ray Vaughn? Greatest guitar player of all time Greatest Solo thought PETER FRAMPTON live. come on the guitar actually TALKS....
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    What Will You Do If You Get Sick On The Road?

    Excellent Post Phil! This happened to me last year. Delivered and found myself with a high fever how high? Enough I had gone thru 4 T-shirts in a 24 hour period, one gallon of Water and a ton of asprin. First error, the asprin made me sweet like crazy. I found when the asprin wore out I was...
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    So long, farewell, adios

    I am so glad I will not ever have to live by that GOLDEN RULE, GOT NO RICH UNCLES or AUNTS WHO GONA LEAVE ME well, well off. Congrats, jelious? Your Darn right I am, enjoy I would.
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    Finally some good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    See good things to come.....
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    Katie needs to go

    I thought she was another Ted or Walter. I cannot believe you all do not love her, and her hair styles as well. Maybee a comb and some water might help anyway, see your points.
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    What a twisted government we have

    Good post. Our elected officials continue to raise there own pay, when our service people in need are starving. Nice people real nice and we keep voting them in over and over again. How long has Carl Leven served? How long has Kennedy been in office? How many more years do we need the last...
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    those stringy haired illegitimate honky crackas

    RE: those stringy haired illegitimate honky cracka Now I must comment on the Confiderate Flag, if I were a Black man I would find it offensive, just like I find the Swastica. Some find it pride, but down deep I doubt they like black people if they care for the Confiderate flag. I would guess...
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    those stringy haired illegitimate honky crackas

    RE: those stringy haired illegitimate honky cracka Maybee they just might show some class by apoligizing to the Duke Players who were already fitted with a noose before it went to Trial. Seems like a double standard to me, just like everything else they stand for black or white or is it just...
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    Trees with Purple Buds

    My first house in North Carolina had one of those in the front yard I promised myself I would and have not it was even pretty all thru the fall and very HARDY. But my favoite in the SPRING IS A DOG WOOD. In North Carolina, we have suffered a HEART BREAKING SET BACK..... Easter Morning, 20F at...