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  1. B

    Rules and Laws for having a Rider

    99% its an insurance issue not a corporate policy. When people cry such as you are. Than why does she just not get a CDL and stop the crying? To difficult? To Lazy? Sorry to be blunt but thats your only way out. Get off your arse get a CDL B or A and your profits go up and yor company...
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    Team or solo, where's the money?

    Everyone give Grog a Star or at least a point.
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    I congrtat Cheri, Leo, and Col. Cause I could not understand the Post. If it was what I thought it was. Not much homework was done before jumping in. Solo, going for a the Big FX. Thats about all I got out of it.
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    Feline Frustration

    > Below from a PM from BroomPilot to me: > > Obviously you did not investigate very hard. Our company >does not put us thru Day Care. Right into making $ by >passing Elementary, High School and into the Real World of >making $. > > That is unacceptable to be beeped at 3 AM for a...
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    Money with owning your on trk

    So true what A Team just said. I do not leave my truck in a facility I do not know and not know means do not trust. All other facts about $ down etc... right on. But one question to A Team while you drove for all of those other owners how much did the 40% put in there pockets? In three years...
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    Listening to Landline and APUs

    I found this whole story to be nothing but a bunch of bull. (and I usually enjoy the stories) Straight truck pulls in (guess what kind?) Two people exit and start up there APU as they go into shower so the complaintant states. With in minutes he claims his Carbon MX detector goes off and...
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    Sorry but this has to be said

    Tcall says AMEN, you know the solutions are right at our own finger tips. But NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ones such as this Tcall feel that the Government has the solution for EVERYTHING. OK let me point it out and how I solved the Governments screw up as stated to road who? Ecuation (let me give...
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    A tale of two houses

    Al Gore learning from GW could or would? I always find it amazing in my simple little mind. What on earth would anyone want with a 4,000 squre house or bigger? Mine is right at 3,000 and I regret it, circumstances requires it for right now but as soon as these teenagers are gone so are we...
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    Anti-Freeze Disappearing

    How low is low? Try not adding more into it as you could be just running the overflow right out and thus this is where it it should be. It is not suppost to be right to the very top or else it will exit the overflow. Watch your Temp guage close especially while climbing hills. Just last week...
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    Expediter's School

    I was listening on the XM on business when one said "read three or four books on a topic your intrested in, plus the last two months magazines on that subject" and your likely to be close to being an expert on the subject. Is that what the EO is not here for? Now Expert can be defined in...
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    Feline Frustration

    And you are supposivly SELF EMPLOYED Daily Inspection Reports? Do you not allready mail these in on a timley basis that you need to be reminded by a BEEP? I guess I got it to good. No Way would I put up with Bull Cheese or Poop. What else do they bother you with in the Middle of the Night...
  12. B

    types of trucks

    Everything beside the injectors on my Class 7 would have also broken on a class 8. The KW brand has done me proud! I can see your point, but my point is this. For a Net Savings of $30K I do not believe I will spend anywhere near that over the lifetime and seriously not in the 250,000 miles...
  13. B

    Hurt while on the job

    I realize it allready passed, just letting others know that this kinda policy is available and even the half a million dollar one is a great deal. If one does have a Carrier that has no workers coomp. Second the one thing that I do not believe you all understand. There is no fighting a...