Search results

  1. B

    If you had a wish?

    I would love to be on the B-24 Liberator that flew out of Italy and bombed German sites in WWII. I would love to be the side gunner or top gunner. Preferably on George McGoverns B-24 since it did do 32 missions one of only a few that completed all the missions to be sent back home...
  2. B

    If you had a wish?

    If you could be ANYONE in any time? Who would ya wana be or do? What date in history would you want to relieve and be anyone you have ever dreamed of? Being on the recieving end of a Joe Montana throw? Discover the cure to Aids? Be like the Donald? Want to drive the ultimate Indy car, and...
  3. B

    Class B Training Help...

    One thing they forgot to mention. Your gona have to know someone with a Class A or B lisence to get that truck. You must be lisc. to rent any truck with Airbrakes. Than take it to the DMV you have an appointment with 8 AM the next business day and use this to take your driving test with...
  4. B

    Another Couple Of Months Of No Work I Hear

    Come on gotta be some bright spots somewhere other than the fishing hole. Been concerned over this for months, Illegals taking our jobs even posted on Contacting people in Washington. Every group in America that hates Trucking including Washington, voicing there opinions on Landline to rattle...
  5. B

    Bad drivers.....

    15 years of supervising people in the Cleaning Business is enough for me to see that turning over a set of keys to a 50K truck or way way more, is more than I could handle. Very possible $125K or even higher. In my interviews they were all eager and happy to do WHAT EVER, two weeks later I was...
  6. B

    Obama faults U.S. automakers for their stupidity

    RE: Obama faults U.S. automakers for their stupidi I wish there were a simple answer: But the Retirement Health Insurance funding is what should be going into Engineering or a portion of it. How can they compete with this brick around there necks in 12 feet of rising water? Look at what...
  7. B

    our truck fire and insurance

    Discuss with your insurance company and photograph the following: APUs Tool Box or Box's Except for load bars and small items as you mentioned, I did bring this to my insuance companies attention: And YES IT IS COVERED. I let them know and it was installed on my truck prior to taking...
  8. B

    Fuel= Cash,Comcheck or Credit Card?

    OOIDA has teamed up with Fleet One. This hooks directly to your checking account I believe a one time $15. fee. Once a week every dime on fuel you guy is deducted from your checking account, you get daily E-mails on what, where, how much etc... The greatest benefit, is having to carry three...
  9. B

    possession of alcohol

    When I was in a scale house last summer. First question was any FIREARMS Second question asked any ALCOHOL, than he asked if he could look inside of my fridge. Now even though it is my home, I had NOTHING to hide so I obliged. Your never gona win by turning down a request to search, but you...
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    Can some one enlighten me on Fantasy Baseball, or Football. I just do not get the attraction?
  11. B

    Photos of Big Sleeper Expediter Trucks

    So Sorry Phil, that I rained on your Parade. Post. It is an open forum is it not? I failed to see all the negativity you said I brought into it, and still do after reading it. Brought up some questions is all. So Sorry Phil, hope you will forgive me.
  12. B

    Fridge - Unasked for advice

    Lesson I have learned: Five days worth of cold food and two frozen. By the time I eat in three restaurants etc.. This is now ten days. By the tenth day its either restuarnts or restock for only three days. By Two weeks I am what ya might say lonely, and I need out of the truck no matter...
  13. B


    One word could sum it up, but let me add just ONE MORE. REAL CLASS.....
  14. B

    And now, the rest of the story

    What a PLEASURE it has been sharring stories with. I only hope our second meeting is bright sunshine.
  15. B

    Fire Proof Lockbox

    Just another example of STUFF. Make photo copies of everything keep it at home and make a phone call should that EMERGENCY HAPPEN. Your becomming to much of a pack rat... ( Every Credit Card, every insurance paper, important documents, drivers lisc, etc... now put them in a file labeled ????)...
  16. B

    Household Fans

    My Expierence only: The Fantastic Fan + a table top will keep me happy until around noon or 85+ if the Humidity is not Mississippi type. So from noon until about 8:30 its the Pro-Heat AC, than in the late evening I shut it down and back to Fans. Draw Back, stay away from Truck Stops. The...
  17. B

    Storage Ideas

    Honest Answer: Ya got to much Stuff: sorry. Less stuff = Less mess, less to fix, less to worry about, less to spend $ on. If my Bride came with me, I would be allowed a razor, a clean set of underwear, a tooth brush, comb, and A SMILE. Other than that she would orginize that truck at the...
  18. B

    Bad Bad Laundry Day

    That is something I would do. Until about a year ago. My wife has CHEWED my rear about stuff in the pockets, I not only check when I undress but once again before washing. Now it works DOUBLE CHECKING THAT IS. Now most of you know I have 15 years expierence in the cleaning business...
  19. B

    It is sad...

    This is a Terribel Response Rob, ITS THE TRUTH: Look what Bush has done to the Border and letting all those trucks cross. Anyone else looking for another Job?
  20. B

    Photos of Big Sleeper Expediter Trucks

    Do these bigger sleeper trucks really equal Bigger Dollars? Or just a nicer Hotel Room? Not trying to be a smart Arse here, but see my post regarding the $26K 2005 M-2. Who is the BETTER BUSINESS MAN? From my LIMITED EXPIERENCE, seems to me that this business or industry is about HAULING...