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  1. B

    The question that I was asked just now

    This WAS ABOUT TOWING, not ROLL BACKS.... as to my above POST... THAN WEIGHT Would be THE FACTOR...
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    The question that I was asked just now

    It is a Combinatin Vehicle weight does not matter or am I incorrect here? A combo requires a class A when it has a commercial tag towing the commercial vehicle. A personal vehicle being towed does not require a Class A, cause... Not Commercial and thus the view of the law is how heavy it is...
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    Truck Financing

    Giving Phil Credit here, something I am accused of never doing. He is absolutly correct on having a business plan. As the original question never brought that into prospective. I did find however that the dealer thru Pacar Financial even beat Credit Unions. But remember this, Phil had plenty...
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    Let me tell you about my best friend...

    After meeting the two of you. Could you Mr. Goody even make a dime with out her? Two of the nicest people I have ever spent such little time with Mike and Cytnahia. You deserve her, weather you she deserves the same.... Well. Anyway such a Pleasure knowing the two of you.
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    Ole Chuckwagon is back.

    You figure it out....
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    Great to see some of us so busy, save those extra dollars now while its earning season.
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    Ever been accused of hitting something?

    Or running over landscaping? If you are (more 18 wheelers than straight). Take pictures IMM. And take pictures of your tires for dirt and grass that if you did would be stuck in the tread. Either get a digital or buy JJ Kellers kit. Do not worry about the digital scare on changing things...
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    Food Pioson

    Ever got it? What a bummer, do nothing wrong except eat at an establishment that let the Germs grow. If one ever orders food, and it comes back cold, mildly warm. DO NOT EAT IT. This is where the Germs can grow, between 40F and 140F anythihng below this or above these temps is safe. I...
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    Flying J Drops Visa

    Devil Advocate here::::::: Is this really the Js fault, or has Visa gotten out of Control and this is the way for one Corporation to say YOU AINT EATING INTO OUR PROFITS any longer Visa? If there is a way to read back stories written in the Business sections of news papers. One will see some...
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    Panther bashing at truck stops?

    Congrats on ones enjoyment with there Carrier. I do know of several happy Panthers, and very strong positive comment on the follow up with illness. Do not feel reluctant to mention names or how one might get sick out there. If your a Driver and have never had food poison, its not a matter...
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    Daves Post something to think about:

    Just by reading these posts, the difference between education and hearing one article truley comes out in peoples posts. I for one must congratulate many for such wonderfull comments vs. one who follows, studies, and listens to many articles. As for since I have a stock broker I must be in...
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    The names we Use

    This was a total suprise: Glad to see it turned out as well as it has. Broompilot, I did not come up with this name it was Given To Me, by the guys at the shop Joe Gibbs Racing for what I did there. Anyway keep it comming most enjoyable read even for a goof up to begin with.
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    The names we Use

    Missunderstanding... Exactly Jar-I can identify your name in a second, mine as well. What I do not understand is when someone calls themselves something tied to the carrier they want to sign with. Example Katlover?
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    The names we Use

    I really do not understand why people would not use names to tie them to the Carriers they run with. So many kittens, cats, with all to many phrases. You are You, A Carrier is a Carrier. Just hope it works out otherwise how we gona know its you again? Got a but chewing when I did not...
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    Thanks Greg, And on to the next history question who was that other girl in Bills office?
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    Did you not run a while back and than dissipear? Or have you been here a while? Seems as though I remember the name cause of the date you joined EO but have not seen you post in a long time. Where ya been?
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    Just Wondering????

    Does he have two trucks? Sounds good if the freight can stay on the truck.
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    Tricked Truck Tour update

    Celebrity and New Grand Baby: Well well well, or should it be have a couple of Adult Beverages to celebrate. But ya better call Safety first just to make sure it is OK.
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    HR 1773 Passed 411 YEA and 3 Nay

    John, I for one thank you. Great Job we all owe you one. Leo your so correct but lazyness and it aint my problem till one looks in ones billfold and discovers it is my problem than its to late. Or is it? OOIDA member should be under my heading as well. But why should I care? Because I DO...
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    Gasoline brand

    Commonsense and our Government? Let me go ask Ted Kennedy he speaks for all of us does he not? Nice response Turtle you did a good job.