Sheryl Crow's touring requirements...


Expert Expediter
While Sheryl would limit the TP for mire humans
go to this website to see the super-star's
4-page list of her day by day required items......

"When it comes to Sheryl Crow's touring requirements, if it's Tuesday, this must be Bombay. Gin that is. The rock star's performance contract includes specific day-to-day instructions on what kind of booze Sheryl needs in her dressing room (TSG has never seen such attention to detail in any other concert rider we've posted). For each show, Crow requires 12 bottles of Grolsch beer, 6 bottles of "local" beer, and a bottle each of "good Australian Cabernet" and "good Merlot." As for the harder stuff, promoters are directed to purchase specific booze depending on what day of the week the concert falls, as the below rider excerpt reveals. Additionally, when the global warming warrior hits the road, her touring entourage (and equipment) travels in three tractor trailers, four buses, and six cars. Now that's a carbon footprint!"
Be Safe and KEEP LOOKING UP..!!!!


Veteran Expediter
I think if she is so serious about helping the enviorment, stop touring and retire. Stop producing so much polution by being an 'artist'.

I don't put much credence in her comments or ideals, which the latter is rather flawed.

For me I would rather see her just go away.

Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
Maybe she should be the first to revive the use of corn cobs, the Sears & Roebuck catalog, or perhaps recycled phone books - all of which are biodegradable. I'm sure there's some air space on one of those semis that would accomodate a supply of these items and they should be easily available depending on whether or not she's touring in a rural or metro area. On the other hand, she might want to try diapers like that crazy astronaut chick.


Veteran Expediter
From all the accounts I have read she was joking...but just in case she wasn't, why is it so rediculous that she is concerned about the environment? There isn't one of us on our own who can solve even one global environmental issue. The best we can hope for is to bring an issue to the attention of the masses who can actually, as a group , do something about it. She was raising an issue.How would you all go about bringing it to the world's attention...or do you not care about the environment you live in?


Veteran Expediter

Well that’s easy, if someone says this or that is hurting the environment and goes along preaching it to all, they need to basically practice what they preach or go a little beyond the phoniness of the entire thing to prove its validity.

It is alright to go along in a bus running on Bio-Diesel but much better to go in a Prius instead. Understand?

The same goes for the life style and/or profession of the messenger, if you are going preach about a non-issue like this, look at yourself first before opening your mouth. Making a living at burning thousands of gallons of fuel to travel to places so you can ‘perform’ in front of others who also burn thousands of gallons of fuel to see you all the while both you and your fans create a huge amount of garbage at that location is part of a bigger problem. Coupled with the fact that you derive part of your income from sales of a product that is produced in a manner that creates more pollution, all speaks to the seriousness of the messenger about the issue.

The music industry has produced some fantastic people, and some of them have taken on causes silently and even have changed their living habits to conform, which this is not one of them. Hollywood has produced even less serious people who carry messages from saving the nats of the gobi desert to global warming, but they have completely failed in their attempt to be a 'lead by example' person by the very fact that they derive their livelihood (and defend) in an industry that produces little in tangible worth but is the largest pollution generators of all and most live in a life style that pollutes more in one year than most do in a life time.

Just to throw this into the mix here, it is easier to grow a tree than it is to grow dinosaurs to have them die to get the fuel needed to run that all those buses and trucks she uses, not to mention the amount of traveling that the people need just to supply her fetishes. I find the toilet paper issue is a non-issue because most of what is produced is part of the renewable cycle that everyone from Green Peace to the Sierra Club (and a whole bunch of real scientists in-between) say is actually good for the earth.

I can argue the point all day and have a lot of things that I can point to that will prove me right, but I find that doing things to help telling people the real solutions come from each of us is far better then trying to convince people that the problems have nothing to do with any solutions from Hollywood or the music arena or brainwashing kids with stupid cr*pumentaries which are lies.




Veteran Expediter
Letzrockexpress said â€From all the accounts I have read she was joking...but just in case she wasn't, why is it so rediculous that she is concerned about the environment? There isn't one of us on our own who can solve even one global environmental issue. The best we can hope for is to bring an issue to the attention of the masses who can actually, as a group , do something about it. She was raising an issue.How would you all go about bringing it to the world's attention...or do you not care about the environment you live in?â€

Well the interview I read, she either was really drunk or really serious but who knows.

I see where you are coming from but reality is this – we live in the cleanest industrialized country in the world, PERIOD. No other country has led the way to reduce pollution, find ways to limit more pollution and made more breakthroughs in alternate energy than we have. Many can say Japan, or the EU but the fact is the technology has been and will continue to be created here.

The unfortunately thing is we can not raise awareness where it is needed; we have no control over those countries like India, China, and any African countries. I would absolutely love to see the US put sanctions on India for a lack of pollution controls but do you know what that will do to us in our economy or security?

China already said forget the Kyoto protocol, we are making money.


What she is doing is the same thing Daryl Hannah did for the L.A. farmers – protesting but not doing really anything. In Daryl Hannah’s case, she could have easily met with the demands of the owners of the land to purchase it but wanted to have the land donated at a loss by the owner, she is also a hypocrite.

What bothers me is that we should all do something. Not that it matters to the masses, like the kids today, but to many who do take this seriously enough just to a small part. Many of the kids in government schools don’t really care, a bunch are living in fear thanks to the teachers who force them to watch stupid things like Gore’s thing and others only care so much until it limits their ability to function as a kid.

There is a lot more about this global warming thing than what is on the surface. Here is something, which actually pollutes more, a Toyota Prius or a GM Hummer H2?

You don’t have to answer but think about it.

But Letzrockexpress, you asked a question, how would I go about bringing it to the world's attention...or do you not care about the environment I live in?

To answer the first part, I repeat; we live in the cleanest industrialized country in the world, PERIOD. I can not do anything to raise awareness in the world, it is out of our control. The only thing I can do when I travel is be proud that I am an American and tell people how clean it is. When you go to places I have been, see what I saw, you will fully agree.

The second part of your question, that’s easy; Of course I care but I feel that it is the little things that matter. For example I am planting trees, not to offset any carbon (that is questionable to begin with) but because I like trees. I have at my finger tips right now about 600 acres which I plan on planting trees next year. Not all is mine but the owners agreed that it is better suited for planting than just sitting there and I already made a deal with a nursery to purchase the trees next year. I also plan on a few other things, but my limited resources fail to bring a lot of my idea to fruition at this time – so I will have to wait. Oh, I would love to test out the products out there to save fuel and money but again it is hard with limited resources at this time.

I don’t intend to make money off of it, just do what little I can do but if I do, it will go back into my ideas. Does this all sound like a greedy rightwing what ever to you?

But I ask what has she done except go across the country burning fuel? Nothing I can find.

So let’s say I have her wealth, what would I do now; buy land and plant trees. Get a bunch of other ‘celebrities’ together to buy a wind farm, fight Kennedy and Kerry with NIMBY of the cape cod wind farm and of course give up touring all together. That’s what I would do.

LEAD BY EXAMPLE is the best vehicle to get any message across.


Veteran Expediter
Leading by example is good...very good... I don't know if Cheryl Crow does any of the things you mentioned or not. The fact that she burns fuel in her bus going to perform in front of people who burned fuel to go see her is really not a good argument. We all burn fuel nearly everyday of of our lives, even when we are sleeping. What I have a problem with is the fact that you or anyone for that matter is so enraged that she tried to make a valid point. Is it because as you say she is a H Y P O C R I T E ? Well, to some extent aren't we all??????


Veteran Expediter
One other touched on something very important that helps separate the right from the left. Democrats and the other leftists are constantly running their mouths about what the "Government" should do to help various causes or give money to these people or those people, or legislate something to solve some other problem by throwing money at it. The right on the other hand doesn't generally want to legislate money for anybody. They do quite often, on a personal basis give their own personal money to such causes. The left would rather not be bothered and let somebody else (i.e.) the government (taxpayers) worry about it.


Veteran Expediter
OK I think you answered your own question if you combine your two statements together. There is a big difference between the two ideals. “do as I say, not as I do†seems to be a mantra for the left leaning crowd. I feel, like many others, that the government is not the solution for anything outside of defense (oh I sound libertarian) and many of the problems with the environment that we, the consumer, can control, we don’t and no message will change anything until people start promoting the changes with examples that are already being made. I can point to several people who you will never see in the news live the life style, as much as I can point to an equal amount of celebrities who refuse to do anything except preach. When was the last time you heard a movie star taking their 15,000 sq ft mansion and dividing it up for energy efficient apartments? It is not that I am against making money, just getting tired of the hypocrisy.

But as for the touring, let’s put aside the need to drive to the grocery store or doctor for you or I for a moment and focus on the facts about the touring thing and why it matters.

Ok if she came to the area I live in, she would play most likely at Pine Knob (Auburn Hills Michigan) or what ever it is called because of her music Genre and she is coming in from let’s say, Chicago which is 300 miles away. She uses a bus that gets 6 mpg, multiply that by 4, and the trucks that get 5 mpg multiplied by 3 and what ever else. Just to go from Chicago to Pine Knob will consume 380 gallons of fuel for the buses and trucks. Now this does not include the carbon input from all these vehicles. Then take the fact that we also have 15,000 people (if it is filled to capacity) who have driven (there is no mass transit here) to see her. Average car holds 2.5 people (standard used by MDOT), the average trip may be 26 miles round trip seeing Pine knob is away from most in the area and the average mpg may be 15 mpg (stop and go traffic you know) ends up being 10,240 gallons of fuel used on the upper end of the estimate. Formula used is ((Miles driven divided by mpg) multiplied by (seating capacity divided by average in car)). So to summarize, if she would give up touring, she would not have caused the use of 10,780 gallons. Correct me if I am wrong with the formula.

This does not take in account the electrical energy used for a concert. I know for a fact that the power supplied to this venue exceeds 1500 amps at 440 volts at one time so I will use that level of power availability. With a good concert and full venue, the power consumption exceeds 500,000 watts of power consumed at any given time.

And I haven’t counted the Limos to and from the hotel (does she really stay in the bus?) which is 30 miles away or the vendors needed to support the concert (everyone likes to drink) or the other things that make life so wonderful like the $45 concert t-shirts made by slave labor in China and shipped here in a rickety old freighter that burns dirty fuel at the rate equivalent to more than three concerts put together. And on and on.

I have to ask, when was the last time you burned 10,780 gallons of fuel and used 500.000 watts of power in one day? I know I haven’t.

Oh did you know that using 10,780 gallons of fuel actually gives us in worst case scenario 97 tons of CO2, which by the way the average person puts out 4.9 tons of CO2 a year, not a day.

So to me it does matter, if one is going to say we must save the environment but does not counter the effects of their profession and its real impact, it makes it look like the same old story that we have been hearing for a long time and actually when you think about it, cheapens the message even more.

As for Crow herself, I don’t really care either way, she is a hack to me but that is my opinion. I am not beating her up for her opinion or effort (as misplaced as it seems) but rather the way she has been presenting the issue.


Veteran Expediter
I agree or at least kind of agree with most of what you said. The point I was trying to make is that a whole lot of that which you describe would be happening anyway, just through different channels.
I also feel that you shouldn't find fault with the message because you don't like the messenger...I cetainly can understand if you are not a Cheryl Crow fan, I am only somewhat familiar wuth her stuff.
In economics there is a fundamental known as "opportunity cost"
You may be familiar with it.. I suspect that you are. Basically for every need or want there is a cost involved whether it be time, natural or manmade resources, cash, etc. In this case I will call the opportunity entertainment. I think just about everybody has an entertainment budget of some magnitude. In this case much of what you mentioned in your last post could be considered opportunity cost of entertainment.That in itself does not make it O.K., but how about this: What if by hearing Ms. Crow's feelings on the environment , some of the people who attended the concert were to maybe ride together to the next concert they attend? Then something was gained by her speaking out....regardless of her politics.


Veteran Expediter
Cool, I see your point completly.

Ok ...

what do you think pollutes more, the Prius or the Hummer H2?


Veteran Expediter
People like Sheryl Crow, Al Gore etc. are pop figures. They hitch their wagons to a popular cause. By promoting this cause they are also promoting themselves. This is a common business practice and these people are in business to make money.

A real career stopper would be to align one's self with an unpopular cause such as promoting the clubbing of baby seals for fun and profit.

Many of these pop causes have merit, its the messenger I have a problem with.

How about:

Alberto Gonzales - extolling the virtues of ginko biloba and its memory enhancing properties.

Jimi Hendrix - just say no to drugs.

Sally Struthers - world wide hunger.

Alex Baldwin - the importance of family life and parenting.

Adolph Hitler - religious and racial tolerance.

Jimmy Jones - spokesman for Kool-Aid

Cho Seung-Hui - all you need is love.