Search results

  1. greg334

    Saturdays and Rest Areas

    Broom ok here is one for you. About 15 years ago I was on the road driving between Boonton NJ and Chattanooga TN and I stopped somewhere in Virginia to rest and eat. As I am sitting there, I watch two families pull in and park their campers in front of me. About ten kids got out and raised...
  2. greg334

    More Posters please

    hey Broom don't you read my posts?
  3. greg334

    I know that no one can give legal advice

    Broom: Terryandrene and friscomike are both right. My advice: It is far simpler to incorporate then it is to be hit with a law suit. I worked in a highly regulated industry and had to learn about accounting and corporation laws to do my job. There are a lot of loop holes that are in these...
  4. greg334

    Michigan to Enforce (see headlines)

    >And here's one question I have to ask. > >Have any of you seen a Greyhound, or Trailways, or any other >of that type passenger bus stopped for speeding? I never >have in all my life. But we all know that there isn't a bus >driver that goes over the posted speed limit......"Yeah...
  5. greg334

    Michigan to Enforce (see headlines)

    >This State could use a breath of fresh air. Ted may not be >politically correct but he definitely knows how to keep >things real. I would expect no politically driven >fantasyland out of the Nuge. If he throws his name in to run >next time around - I am definitely going to support him...
  6. greg334

    Michigan to Enforce (see headlines)

    Well the problem is if the Terrible Ted wants to run, he needs to move back to Michigan. His Next door neighbor is George W.
  7. greg334

    Ham Radio license and expediting

    Wow thanks for all the replies. Oh forgot to give you my call, KC8YHN LDB congrats on passing, send me your call so I can add it to my mental note book. Loose_Cannon47 you should pick it up again, the more Hams out there the better life would be. ATeam the tests aren’t difficult and...
  8. greg334

    New Guy with Class 8 Straight truck Please HELP!!!

    RE: New Guy with Class 8 Straight truck Please HEL I am going to throw my 2¢ in, sorry I am long winded I am posting this because I read on another forum that anyone can do frame stretch and still have a margin of safety, which is wrong and dangerous to say. I was offered a class 8 truck, FL...
  9. greg334

    Michigan to Enforce (see headlines)

    Hey the enforcement that they are talking about is really a revenue generator; don’t let any press release fool you. The state is really doing poorly and there is no sight of relief for us poor Michiganders any time soon. Our state has spent money on stupid things we don’t need, like the...
  10. greg334 flies!

    A little late throwing in my two cents, I hated the time of year when they (the fish flies) come out to mate. About ten years ago I worked a route that took me through the biggest fish fly area in the state, each day I had to wash the car. It sometimes gets sickening driving on a road where...
  11. greg334

    Ham Radio license and expediting

    I am just wondering; how many forum members have their ham radio license? And how many forum members want to get a ham radio license? I read a recent post about CB radio and someone mentioned ham radio license instead of using ‘import’ CB radios. This got me to thinking.
  12. greg334

    Need laptop help NOW!!!!!!!!!!

    >When I got home from first week, I had an email from the >Future Suite software folks. They said it was a licensing >thingie between them and Microsoft. Meaning $$$$. F/S >would not pay, so M/S leaves the warning on. It is >compatible, or so they said. I'll try when I get some time. >...
  13. greg334

    Business Planning Help For Newbies

    ATeam …. Thank you There is only one problem I see with any business plan; you must stick to it. ATeam’s explanation is stellar and right on target. I too would like to see some samples of business plans from others, of course without confidential info. Is it possible to see ATeam’s...
  14. greg334

    Foriegn Drivers

    Let’s look at another point of view. I am/was an IT worker here in the Detroit area and lost my job due to downsizing at the world’s largest pharma company. The position I held wasn’t important but the work was and they made me train my replacement for that work. This person was part of the...
  15. greg334

    Going Out Of Business, Will Work For Food

    I have to add something here, like Broompilot I grew up here in the Detroit area, but unfortunately I still live here. I grew up a mile away from GM tech center and most of my friend Fathers were either engineers or accountants at the big three (which we have two left). I have a few friends at...
  16. greg334

    Decision Time, need advice

    Thanks for all the info, it really helps. First let me tackle a couple points that davekc made. You are right about some leases, I lost my a** on my wife’s car. This car was so well taken care of that it was like new but the company that did the intake of the car at the end of the lease...
  17. greg334

    Decision Time, need advice

    OK my decision has been made; I am going into the expediting world as an O/O. it was a tough decision to stop looking for a job in my profession and change careers at my age. I have been unemployed for two years now and there are no jobs in the Detroit area in my profession, Computers. Ford...