Michigan to Enforce (see headlines)


Veteran Expediter
MI is my original home state. I so much looked forward to traveling up there. Until I actually did. It must rank the poorest kept highway state in North America.

The State wants to hassle us looking for drunk driving truck drivers, unlicesened drivers, and wreckless driving. I am at a loss here. Who has ever driven with a commercial DL intoxicated? Yeah I know someone with a smart remark will come up with some line but its gotta be less than a percent of 1%. It is my expierence that obtaining this CDL was alot of work and costs on my part.

It also states that 70% to 80% of truck accidents are 4 wheelers fault. (Go Figure) so they want to crack down on the industry as if it is not hard enough and dangerious enough on Michigan Roads as they stand today. Please Educate me don't hassle us for nothing.

4 Wheelers get to travel at 70 mph we are only allowed 55, now how safe is that on I-94 when you come up on a slow moving truck, merge into hammer lane, look in your mirrior pull back into the slow lane only to have 4 wheelers trying to beat you into that lane. I can understand 5mph difference but 15 is an accident waiting to happen. Stupid is the only way I can sum up there actions in that State. Sorry for those of you who actually live there.


Veteran Expediter
BP, I feel your pain on this subject but let me tell you, there are more drinking drivers in trucks than you may think. I turned one in about a month ago on I75 at 675. I also have worked for an LTL company here in town that had two in one year. recently I was loading, last week and was talking to a lady on dock who somehow got on the topic. She mentioned she smells alcohol on a number of drivers. A security guard who I have come to know at the plant I run dedciated for has also told me of the smell.

Percentage wise I am sure it is small but that can still be a very big number. I do agree with you overall topic though.



Veteran Expediter
Hey the enforcement that they are talking about is really a revenue generator; don’t let any press release fool you. The state is really doing poorly and there is no sight of relief for us poor Michiganders any time soon.

Our state has spent money on stupid things we don’t need, like the gateway arch on I-94 and a lot of improvements for infrastructure because of the stupid bowl. The state has not addressed a lot of the road problems just masked them to give an impression that Detroit is a great place to hold any event. The $214M spent on the stupid bowl “improvements” could have been used for a great number of things to improve the roads and generate more revenue through commerce.

As for the 4wheelers, they need to enforce some of the laws in the state, like equipment defects and driving at high speeds. I lost count of how many times I have been around cars and pickups that had their tail lights busted out or the mirrors either dangling or gone and a cop right behind them doing nothing about it. I know that some LEOs are told not to bother with equipment citations, so it is a losing battle for the people who care.

The speeding is a big problem here and most of the accidents I see, hear or read about are almost caused by speeding (the other accidents are caused by DWI/DUIs). My wife’s nephew for example has only had his license for 8 months and he was speeding on Telegraph on Monroe, 85 in a 55; of course he caught. The problem is the LEO gave him a ticket for 5 over the limit which means he doesn’t get any points. The judge didn’t do a damn thing about it, which really shows where their priorities are. The parents… well we won’t go there.

My 2¢ worth


Expert Expediter
If all the big trucks actually ran 55 in Michigan the highways would be so jammed up that the 4 wheelers would beg for a higher truck speed limit. It wouldn't take long to solve the problem - but the state loves the speeding truckers to fuel the economy. It is a law that was intended to be broken. I think it would be great to beat them at their own game.

My opinion for what it's worth... Scott


Veteran Expediter
Yup. Here we go again. I live here too. I love the woods and the lakes and streams. The problem is most of the money goes to a few counties and the rest get little or nothing. I'd better stop while I'm ahead. I'm too old and fat for this flimsy soap box I'm standing on.


I live here too and am sick of the Gov't in this state and their priorities. The problem as I see it, and this is only my opinion, is the Governor we NOW have in office. I'm not saying things were better with our last one, but consider this. Grandholm was elected with the majority of her votes coming from the detroit area of the state. Now look at where the majority of the road improvements are taking place. I am not afraid to say, when I heard she was running for the office, I said, "If she is elected, it will be a mistake that this state will long regret." I think my prediction is proving correct.

I heard Ted Nugent say that if she was elected, he was going to run in the next election. That would be a definate improvement. At least we would have a Gun Rights Advocate in the Governor's office.


Veteran Expediter
Well the problem is if the Terrible Ted wants to run, he needs to move back to Michigan. His Next door neighbor is George W.


Veteran Expediter
I see this is going to become a political pissing match. I, for one, would vote for Nugent if it gets Granholm out of there. Engler left her one big mess, but she's doing nothing but making it a bigger mess.

I worked for MDOT for the summer a couple years ago. When she got in, most of what was scheduled for the next year was scrapped. Then, all of a sudden, new things were put on the plate. I-94 being either torn up or closed in the middle of Detroit for TWO YEARS is rediculous!!! And, to top it off, I-96 was in the same boat on the same stretch!!! So, if you had to go anywhere from Telegraph to 75 in Detroit, you either had to take local roads or sit in one-lane traffic (if they even had that open).

It's clear she's put the wrong ppl in charge. No one knows what they're doing. I'm for letting a "Nu"bie into office... Jesse Ventura didn't screw up Minnesota afterall.


Expert Expediter
This State could use a breath of fresh air. Ted may not be politically correct but he definitely knows how to keep things real. I would expect no politically driven fantasyland out of the Nuge. If he throws his name in to run next time around - I am definitely going to support him. He's not a politician, and In my opinion that is what we need to get this State back into the current century.

The priority needs to get back on educating kids, period.

My 4.5 cents. - Scott


Veteran Expediter
>This State could use a breath of fresh air. Ted may not be
>politically correct but he definitely knows how to keep
>things real. I would expect no politically driven
>fantasyland out of the Nuge. If he throws his name in to run
>next time around - I am definitely going to support him.
>He's not a politician, and In my opinion that is what we
>need to get this State back into the current century.
>The priority needs to get back on educating kids, period.
>My 4.5 cents. - Scott

I second the Nuge.

As for education, not just the kids. What ever happen to her promise aobut retraining dollars? They seemed to have disappeared.


Expert Expediter
Well all, I'm from Michigan and I think its High time for some changes. I won't go into politics, but the speed limit is Crazy here.

Get this one. Constuction Zone speed limit in most places is 60 miles an hour. OK This is deemed a safe speed through a constuction area. Why do we have to do 55 on a good road? Here is another, and this one is all states I believe. Our Trucks will have one or two people in them and are only allowed 55 MPH. Yet A Bus with 40+ people is allowed 70 MPH. Go Figure.
Drive Safely...Butch
:D :D :D


And here's one question I have to ask.

Have any of you seen a Greyhound, or Trailways, or any other of that type passenger bus stopped for speeding? I never have in all my life. But we all know that there isn't a bus driver that goes over the posted speed limit......"Yeah, Right!!!"


Veteran Expediter
>And here's one question I have to ask.
>Have any of you seen a Greyhound, or Trailways, or any other
>of that type passenger bus stopped for speeding? I never
>have in all my life. But we all know that there isn't a bus
>driver that goes over the posted speed limit......"Yeah,

You know... I thought that buses had to drive at 55.

Today I was going down 75 coming up to Sibley exit and passed by a tour bus that must have been doing 85 or 90. The wake move the van I was driving.

When I worked in Ann Arbor, I sometimes would have a bus flashing their lights at me to move over while I was passing people at 70 MPH.


Veteran Expediter
Back in the old 55 mph days, I used to follow the Strohs beer trucks on I94 and I75. They never got tickets and they went about 75. It was a good way to make time. Ya and I'd vote for Ted too.


Veteran Expediter
What a Firestorm I stirred up. I have to congradulate myself on this one. Oh how I hate going back home. I need not contribute any stories on the roads as we have all been their done that.

Now look again on the headline news. I love OOIDAs comment, "It will be a failure to only be looking for trucks and not also 4 wheelers."

In reading June's OOIDAS Landline, Washington State is now putting troopers inside of 18 wheelers to observe and BUST crazy 4 wheelers. They are equiped with radios and tell another bear the story and the 4 wheeler bears track them down and issue the ticket. (wreckless driving) Yeah I love it.

I agree beautiful streams, lakes, woods. Detroit is sucking the money right out of every hard working citizen of Michigan same goes for Chicago. You all need to read Junes Landline explaines everything wrong with ILL and trucks.

We as Owner Operators are getting robbed with out a gun. I finally did it and drove thru every toll booth from IN to WI $10.90 was the final bill or it might be $12.40 5 or 6 toll booths I 94 294 290 90 39 & 90. Just when I thought I hit the second to last one before Rockford there was another than another. Plus $2.44 Diesel and the value of a hot dog in one of the rest areas over $4.00 such a deal, such a city.

I refuse to buy anything in that state except for a meal. No Walmart no nothing I am not gona contribute a penny to Springfield that I am not forced to.

How can Washington stand for this I thought our Federal Tax dollars went to pay for the highways and here is a State taking $ from us to subsidize Inner City Chicago.

What I am really afraid of is the rest of the country getting on this band wagon. When are we as OO gona be able to say enough is enough, Consumers need to be footing the bill for all these additional expenses not mine or your family.

I do not get paid back for tolls does anyone and why should the customer get away with it from oh lets say Milwaukee to NY NY. Why should we get hammered with it. I know before someone says it I can always turn the load down right. Thats not the Point!!!


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
"and the value of a hot dog in one of the rest areas over $4.00 such a deal, such a city"

Broom et al:

Did you ask for the Road Warrior discount on that weiner? you'd've saved $.60. Same for food at any other tollroad service plaza


Veteran Expediter
>I agree beautiful streams, lakes, woods. Detroit is sucking
>the money right out of every hard working citizen of
>Michigan same goes for Chicago.

I have to say it, I Just have to say it.....

Hey Broom there is a big, I mean BIG DIFFERENCE between Chicago and Detroit.

Chicago has a sort of "representative government" where Detroit doesn’t. It has elected royalty.

When you have a problem in Detroit and you are not a friend of a council member or the mayor, good luck. They still haven't fixed the street lights.

Sorry, I will stop now.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
>If all the big trucks actually ran 55 in Michigan the
>highways would be so jammed up that the 4 wheelers would beg
>for a higher truck speed limit.

I agree. The best way to get split speed limits repealed is to obey them.


Veteran Expediter
>I heard Ted Nugent say that if she was elected, he was going
>to run in the next election. That would be a definate
>improvement. At least we would have a Gun Rights Advocate
>in the Governor's office.

Ted decided to move to Texas instead. He lives in the same town as George Bush. I'm not sure what the town's name is, but I saw an interview w/ a kid who said something like "wow, not only do we have a ROCK STAR living here, but we also have a president, pretty cool"

The tone of his voice made it pretty clear he thought it was cooler that Ted lived there than George. I got a kick out of that.

Take care,


Veteran Expediter
Chicago invented the political machine so I think they still get the award but Detroit comes in close behind. I'll stay on the west side of my state where all I have to look out for is the Dutch mafia.