Michigan is the hard-up state that is Governed by a Guttersnipe of an Governer!
Oh yes drive anytime after 11:00Pm and your a drunk driver, the cop's will pull you over for anything they can hopying & praying you are drunk so they can make their huge revenue any where from all of the court dept's to our local counselers, they all get a slice of the pie.
We pay some of the highest gas prices in the country and the list goes on.
"Welcome to Michigan than you realize your scruwed long before you leave."
It's funny my wife was driving down our lonely country road last week and was pulled over just after dark for a tail light that was burned out, and just warned to fix it after the cop knew there was no revenue in it for the county, than two days later she was pulled over again by a different cop same thing. Cop's normally only pull you over if you have a burned out head light.
Be carful after dark that is when the vampire sucking Police come out to get you!