Jenny...did you eat the oysters?![]()
I'm not brave enough. I have a hard enouenough time with trying new vegetables.
Well our spectacular week just got bumped down to a super week. We delivered 5 hours early for our Denver drop off at noon today. We were supposed to pick up the next predispatched load from Littleton, CO, by 5pm or asap. So we went there at 1pm and the load was gone. Some other carrier had picked it up instead. Not sure how that happened, but it is a dry run for us and now we are sitting at Sam's parking lot in Littleton, CO.
We were really forward to getting back to MI by Saturday night. Had planned on doing some real estate business and visit a friend and grandkids on Sunday. Oh well, glad we didn't call everyone and let them know we were going to be there.
We know dispatch will get us out soon. We have never been to Colorado, so maybe while we are waiting we will sight see.
Any suggestions on where to go, keep in mind we are in a Straight truck so site seeing and parking is kind of limited for us.
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N. bound on I35 just crossed into Iowa...1st rest area having lunch....sure nice without all that heat out there...can't wait for AC and no Generator running...maybe even need a small blanket....210 to Alb. Lea my stop over target at one of my favourite Walmarts...![]()
N. bound on I35 just crossed into Iowa...1st rest area having lunch....sure nice without all that heat out there...can't wait for AC and no Generator running...maybe even need a small blanket....210 to Alb. Lea my stop over target at one of my favourite Walmarts...![]() the past and looks like it still goes on...other carriers stealing loads.....You mentioned the predispatch long before your pick up....another carrier could look up the load board history and figure who the shipper is and contact them after the best not post predispatches till after you pick the load up..... Just a heads up...
Are you serious?!
I get a kick out of things like Skyraider's favorite pastime being letting the air out of other vans' tires [esp Panther's], but that's just kidding - actual theft is scumbag territory.
How's the van running?![]()
Like a charm...23.8 mpg with AC on and 5 hours of idling...
Cheri...Absolutely serious....
some carrier or independent could have read that and called that shipper depending on where the load was listed...
Like....Oh you must not have gotten our bid something must have gone wrong....are you still wanting to move it for X amount?, we have a truck an hour away...oh you are? right there Thank you...oh don't worry about the other carrier, we'll take care of the cancel to save you the bother and thanks for your business....
scum bags for sure...
Never heard of it happening. the past and looks like it still goes on...other carriers stealing loads.....You mentioned the predispatch long before your pick up....another carrier could look up the load board history and figure who the shipper is and contact them after the best not post predispatches till after you pick the load up..... Just a heads up...
Still sitting in Wheretheheckisthis, NY. Actually, near Albany.
Hopefully, dispatch will come up with something tomorrow or for Monday pick up.