It's a Team's Life

Zero Calorie Foods

By Linda Caffee
Posted Aug 18th 2012 2:57PM


I read an article that was posted on Fitbie by Hollis Tempelton and Emily G.W. Chau that talks about these healthy so called “zero-calorie” foods.   The calories in these foods contain fewer calories than the body used to break them down.   

Many of the foods listed in this article are something that can be put into a snack bag instead of grabbing a bag of potato chips.   When I go shopping I pick up many of the items on this list to snack on while driving.  

Cucumbers – These contain a lot of water that helps to make me feel fuller.   I like to buy the snack cucumbers that are getting easier to find and are easier to eat.

Citrus Foods – I am not a fan of a lot of citrus fruits except for grapefruit, which I really enjoy.

Celery – I enjoy celery and I REALLY enjoy celery with peanut butter.   I enjoy the crunch of the celery and is something that is easy to snack on.

Apples – I got a kick out of the saying on the website “An apple a day keeps your weight at bay!” The site suggests always eating an apple with the skin on as the skin contains most of the fruits metabolism boosting fiber.  

Kelp – I have not tried Kelp but have heard some good things about dried kelp and given the opportunity I will give it a try

Asparagus – This fresh vegetable is good raw or cooked.   I like to snack on Asparagus raw or baked with a little sea salt.

Watermelon – When watermelon is in season and is perfectly ripe it is hard to beat.   I have found in the truck it makes a terrible mess trying to cut it up and to store if all of it cannot be eaten at one setting.   I have cut it up into slices and stored in Baggies and it is usually worth the effort.

Tomatoes – I like to add grape tomatoes to my vegetable snack bags.   While reading Fitbie site I found it odd that this is one vegetable where the nutrients are easier to be absorbed if it is cooked.

Broccoli –  I read with great sadness that this vegetable is one of the most hated.   Broccoli is good cooked or raw and is easy to eat as a snack.   I cut it into pieces and add to my snack bags.

Cauliflower –  This vegetable is often added to my snack bags in small pieces.   I found if I left it is to large of pieces it made to much of a mess. I can contain the mess when I am cutting it up.

Strawberries -   These are great fresh and wonderful when perfectly ripe, I eat these whole  as a snack.   I only buy these in the summer fresh the rest of the year I buy frozen and add to smoothies

Leafy Greens – I grab a handful of spinach and add to all of my smoothies.   There is no taste and I no longer buy baby spinach, as it does not last long.

Red Bell Pepper – All colors of bell peppers are great as far as I am concerned.   I like them raw and cooked.   When at home I like to slice them up and put into a container on the grill with a little olive oil and sea salt.   

Green Tea – During the summer I like to make my own green tea as it is much cheaper than buying in the truck stops.   When we are stopped I use a plastic bottle add a couple of tea bags and set either on the dash or on a door step if there is enough sun.   During the winter I put the tea bags in my water jug the night before and have cold green tea to drink the next day.  

I have picked out my favorite vegetables from the 20 Healthy Zero-Calorie Foods on the list and given ideas of what works well for me while on the truck.   The snack bags are easy to make ahead of time and solve the problem of wanting to grab something quick to eat, I can grab something healthy instead of something high in calories.  



Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


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