It's a Team's Life

Mid America Trucking Show 2025
This years Mid America Trucking Show (MATS) at the Kentucky Expo Center on March 27-29, 2024. This show says they are the largest in the United States. We could say it is. We have been attending it since 2013 and it is our go to show for doing our research (hands on) on new products, technology, and other things. It is a grueling three days of running and talking so bring some great and comfortable pair of shoes.
Also, this year is a huge change. The show will only be using the North, East and all of the South halls. This is because the Expo Center is building and expanding. So, the West and Pavilion are not available. Looking at the map it looks like we will get in less walking since all the vendors will be closer together.
MATS says that they have still will have over 1,000,000 of floor space. With over 870+ exhibitors. They have over 56,000 attendees. Also, over 40 featured events. In the past years they have stepped up the education area with what they call “PRO Talks” and have over 40 of them over the three days.
Here is a link to MATS website: Mid America Trucking Show Website
It is important to get yourself organized for the marathon you will be running for three days. We build a list of the vendors we “must” see, also on this list are one we would like to visit. We pick a starting point like the Pavilion since this is where the shuttle bus drops us off. Most of the time we can get to most of the must-see vendors on Thursday and into Friday. This depends on how many of the Pro talks we want to go to on those two days. It normally turns out that Saturday is the catch up or revisit day. Some of the vendors have become really good friends over the years and it is nice to say good bye see you next year and such.
This year we will be part of the PRO Talk. It is titled “Failing! …to Succeed” and is on Saturday March 29th at 1300 (1:00 pm) on the PRO Talk stage in the East Hall. The Trucking Solutions Group (TSG) which has 14 members will be presenting. “The members of the Trucking Solutions Group will discuss methods or techniques they tried to improve their business that either failed or not deliver the results anticipated. Audience participation is encouraged. Bring your questions and experience and join the discussion.” To learn more about the group and members:
Picture from 2022 TSG Pro Talk
Picture from 2023 TSG Pro Talk
Picture from 2024 TSG Pro Talk
A very important event we also attend is the Women In Trucking (WIT) “Salute to Women Behind the Wheel”. This event will be held on Friday March 28th at 1600 (4:00 pm) South Wing C201-C203, 2nd Floor. This is a great event not just for women but for everyone. A lot of information is passed along.
For parking you are coming in a four-wheeler than the Center have over 19,000 parking spots. They charge for this parking. If you are coming in a “Big Truck” you have two choices. They offer free parking and shuttle service to the event in the Marshalling yard lot located at 1032 Phillips Lane, KY 40209 lot on Park Blvd (Note: this is a same as last year). They do have paid parking on the center for RV’s there is paid spots.
On Friday March 28th in the evening is a free concert. It is held in the Expo Center. It is present by Bennett Family of Companies, Bridgehaul, and Ace Doran. The performers this year are Colt Ford, with an opening performance by Tony Justice. For those that are parking in the free truck parking area shuttles will be running.
During the entire three days will be the PKY truck championship. On one night Thursday they do PKY Light Show from Dark to 2130 (9:30pm). This is where the trucks show off the light they have. This event is held outside and is free to everyone with a MATS badge. Both of these events are being held in Lot N, In Front of West Wing which is the same as last year.
Also, you can enjoy watching builders in The Big Rig Build-Off pits four of the industry’s most talented and innovative builders in a winner-takes-all competition. Each build will be evaluated on creativity, craftsmanship, and overall execution. The winner will take home a $25,000 cash prize and bragging rights. This event is being held in Lot N in Front of the West Wing & South Wing.
Well, that is about it. We hope we get to see and/or meet you at this years Mid America Trucking Show.
Sandy & Stephen
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