It's a Team's Life

Winter Truck Driving Tips
Winter Driving Tips
The driver's safety, safety of other motorists, safety of the load is of the highest priority
• Remember you are the captain of your ship and you decide when it is not safe to continue on.
• As an Owner Operator we have to remember how we make our income... It is our truck and we have to keep it safe and sound for the next load.
• If you notice a temperature drop monitor the CB for weather conditions, turn off the CB when you get into bad conditions and drive your own truck the way you feel safe. Don't let anyone else tell you how to drive or shame you into driving faster. Do not drive in a pack of trucks better off being by yourself.
• Keeping the windshield clear
o If in wet snow lower the visors and turn on defroster to hot, the visors will keep the heat at the top of windshield to keep it from freezing.
o If in a dry snow keep the cab cold and do not use defrost or use a cold defrost to keep the windshield frozen so nothing will stick
• Watch as other vehicles pass for road spray from their tires. If no road spray you are on black ice. If ice forming on mirrors or antenna be aware of black ice.
• Leave plenty of room to stop, do not become the star of a truck pileup on ice video
• When you pull into park do not set trailer brakes only tractor brakes.
• If your tires are warm when you park on ice let the truck set for a few minutes then pull forward a couple of inches. This will give a wider hole when your tires melt through the ice
• When stopped clean of headlights and taillights especially if they are LED lights as they do not produce heat.
• Communicate - if you shut down due to weather let your dispatcher know so they can adjust delivery or pickup times
• Be careful when getting out of the truck on an icy lot hang on to hand rails till you have your feet under you.
• Have the proper winter gear, boots, gloves, hats, and layers of clothing
• Carry extra blankets, food, and water in case you get shut down on the interstate
• If you have a generator or heater in your truck do not depend that it will always work as they could gel.
• Carry a good flashlight that has a spare set of batteries
• Carry a bag of kitty litter to spread in front of tires for traction
• Keep fuel tanks topped off and carry a bottle of 911 for jelling
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
[email protected]
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
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